The Notebook for Tengda's Recruiting Examination

November 1st, Thursday…

It was Tengda's recruitment season again. Wu Bin from the HR department came to invigilate the exam as usual. He looked at the bustling crowd outside the examination hall and felt a little emotional.

Wu Bin could sense the rapid development of Tengda Corporation every time the recruitment examinations were held.

He was one of the first batch of employees to enter Tengda's recruitment examinations. At that time, Tengda's recruitment examinations had only been a prototype.

Compared to other companies, Tengda's recruitment examinations had been very formal and large-scale from the beginning. However, compared to the recruitment examinations that followed, they only contained the most basic content.

The HR department naturally did not slack off either. That was because the Tengda recruitment exam was the most critical step in selecting talents. They had to control it from the source.