So Boss Pei's Target was IOI!

A few hours later, Zhao Xuming's plan was completed.

Zhao Xuming had dealt with these live-stream platforms all year round and knew the personalities of the upper echelons of several platforms very well. He knew very well that this plan was perfect. Most live-stream platforms had no reason to reject it.

That was because on the surface, these platforms were actually taking advantage of the plan.

Of course, it was hard to say if he was taking advantage of them.

No matter what, Tengda was the one who earned it. Even if it was a win-win situation, Tengda would definitely win more.

He sent the plan to Boss Pei again. This time, he quickly received an affirmative answer.

The speed of his reply made Zhao Xuming wonder if Boss Pei was reading the details in the plan seriously.