Complicated 'Official Fault' System

Li Yada's words doubled Yan Qi's confidence.

Even though it was hearsay and Yan Qi could not be sure of the authenticity of this statement, he had to admit that these words were very inspiring to him.

What's more, it had indeed given him an idea for designing games.

He could follow this train of thought and give it a shot. If he could not get through, he would think about it again. In any case, he could try and write a design draft without spending money.

Yan Qi carefully saved the document that recorded these contents, afraid that he would lose it.

After that, he began to compare the contents and think about what he should do with his new game.

"First, find a suitable entry point."

"Hmm… it should be the difficulty level of the game."

"For action games, the specific difficulty level is very important. What's more, we can consider it using the 'spiral rise' method that Big Sister Li mentioned."