Boss Zhang Sings Really Well!

Before this, Yan Qi had also invested in this studio and earned money. He had given this investment firm a certain return. Logically speaking, it should not be difficult to pull in another investment.

However, the problem was that this investment firm was not considered one of the best in Jingzhou. It did not have such strong financial resources. He had invested in Yan Qi previously because Yan Qi's 'Blade of the Empire' was his best mobile game.

He had taken a step towards a standalone action game. There were not many investment firms who were willing to take on such a huge risk.

Everyone knew that there was a high risk of failure for standalone games. It was even more so for standalone games that were hugely invested. Boss Pei was the only one in the country who could ensure that a standalone game would become popular. Other companies were not that good.

What's more, mobile games and standalone AAA games were not on the same level.