Only Tengda Can Do It

After Hu Xianbin finished speaking, he focused on observing Boss Ma's reaction.

Yes, Boss Ma looked quite interested, which meant that this idea was feasible!

Thus, he briefly explained his idea.

"To put it bluntly, this function is to work hard to break through the barrier between the game client and live-stream platform to form the effect of integrating resources."

"Take GOG for example. We'll install the live-stream software for Bunny Tail Live-Stream in GOG's game. We'll use Bunny Tail Live-Stream to read the data in GOG's game. Then, we'll combine these data with the host's camera image and the microphone collection sound."

"The audience will receive these data in their own GOG client. The data in the game will be played out by GOG's client. They will use the original resources in the game. What's more, they can switch freely and view the various game data."