Target: An Unmanned Island!

Qiao Liang had not expected the fans to react so strongly.

No one supported him at all. They were all urging him to move quickly!

What's more, everyone had good reasons.

You were a no-show previously. You said that you did not make videos because there was no good material and was waiting for Tengda's new game.

The material came knocking on your door now!

Free Suffering Travels was such good material. Everyone could pay attention to it!

Yet, you became paralyzed with fear?

It was obvious that saying that there was no material was an excuse. That was your nature as a no-show!

Qiao Liang was speechless because these people were right. He could not refute.

As a famous UP Master, Suffering Travels was indeed a good opportunity to collect materials. What's more, the video would definitely have a lot of views.

However, the problem was… he had to suffer!