What Monsters Are All Of You?

Bao Xu, Sa Ziran, Li Yaling, and the other staff had been waiting for a long time. There were special staff in charge of receiving, registering, distributing clothes and equipment, and explaining various precautions in the training to them.

Qiao Liang was confused. "Why are there only three of us? Where are the others?"

"No one is not coming, right?"

Bao Xu sniggered. "I'll be right there."

"Not one less."

Qiao Liang could not help but feel a little ashamed after hearing Bao Xu's confident words.

That's right. Tengda's employees have probably trained hard under Boss Pei's leadership. Why would they want to desert the army like me?

His thinking was a little too hypocritical.

The moment he finished speaking, he saw a small bus parked outside. Tengda employees who had participated in Suffering Travels got off it.

All of them had 'happiness' written all over their faces, as if they were criminals being sent to jail.