Star Bird Fitness Must Expand Together

The author's story would change from concept to words. It might be very different from what he had expected. Similarly, changing from a novel to a drama might cause the final product to be very different from what he had expected.

Huang Sibo actually did not have much confidence in the first three episodes of 'Successor'.

On one hand, the story of 'Successor' itself was a satirical theme. Many of the plots in it might make people feel that it was unreasonable, and it would be difficult to evaluate it with traditional standards.

On the other hand, the first three episodes of 'Successor' should be the worst.

As the protagonist, Phil was trampled by the strong man the moment he appeared on the stage. He knelt on the ground, crying and begging for mercy.

In the subsequent plot, they would beat up the maids and butler at home to vent their anger. They would also be helpless and furious. That would definitely make the audience feel uncomfortable.