The Worst Superhero's Publicity Plan

"As for the details of the share of profits, you can talk to the Aili Island website. We often work together. It's alright to give them some benefits."

Pei Qian handed the proposal back after he finished speaking.

He wanted to give as much profit to Aili Island as possible, but he could not say it too obviously. He could only do it this way.

He would earn less anyway.

There was not much difference in how they split the profits. The key was still the performance of 'Successor' after it was released.

Huang Sibo took the proposal. "That's right, Boss Pei. There's something else."

"The filming of 'Successor' 's subsequent episodes is also going very smoothly. We think that we will broadcast one episode a week, one live-stream until the end of next month, and finish all 12 episodes."

"There shouldn't be a problem with this progress, right?"