Jingchao, Bao Xu Greets You

December 12th, Wednesday…

Guangzhou, Sun Strike Studios.

Min Jingchao was busy with his work and did not notice Sun Xi pulling a chair over to sit beside him.

"Brother Chao, the Suffering Travels seems to be officially open today. Are you sure everything has been arranged?"

Sun Xi looked apprehensive.

He panicked!

Previously, Zhou Muyan had already said that he wanted to arrange for everyone in the project team to suffer. Sun Xi could not help but watch Teacher Qiao's live-stream for a few more days recently. The more he watched, the colder his heart became.

This was only the first month of training, but it was already so miserable. What would it look like if he were to suffer next month?

However, things had taken a turn for the better two days ago. Min Jingchao said that he had already resolved this problem. Sun Xi would wait and see.