Boss Pei Is In A Better Place

Jin Yong was very confused.

How did he fall into a dead end?

According to Chrétien, there were actually only four conditions for this finals: FV Team crushed CEM, CEM crushed FV, FV won with difficulty, and CEM won with difficulty.

Only if CEM crushed FV Team would it be acceptable for Finger Games.


Even if CEM did not win so decisively, they would still win if they won 3: 2. Wouldn't they be able to snatch the popularity from FV Team even if they won the world championship?

Chrétien shook his head and explained, "The key is that the version changes in the international competition are too obvious for FV Team. This has indirectly added a lot of emotional points to FV Team."

"Even if FV Team loses with 2: 3, not many people would recognize the value of CEM as the champion."

"On the other hand, if FV Team wins 3: 2…"

Chrétien did not continue speaking because that was the last thing he wanted to see.