The Shops Came Naturally!

Xue Zhebin was shocked by this deduction.

His first reaction was that it was a little ridiculous.

Turning an old and deserted industrial zone into a commercial zone? Was that something a human would do?

That was because the desolation of the old industrial zone was the result of a series of factors such as urban development, industrial upgrading, and so on. The best outcome of renovating the old industrial zone in other cities would be to transform it into an entrepreneurial park or something.

It would not be a problem to attract tourists after making a certain amount of reputation through special artistic means. However, it was impossible to really become prosperous and lively.

You can't possibly point a gun at the tourists, right?

However, Boss Pei obviously did not think so. Otherwise, why would he build the roller coaster so far away from the original projects of Thriller Hostel?

It could not be to let tourists walk more, right?