That Person Could Only Be Tian Mo

What was Boss Pei up to again?

Wasn't Young Master Tian's true identity me?

Didn't Boss Pei already know about it? This question was unnecessary!

No, there was something wrong with Boss Pei's way of asking.

Boss Pei said two 'ifs'. This was a very strong hypothetical tone. Boss Pei still asked me to identify others even though he knew that I was Young Master Tian…

Could it be that Boss Pei was taking precautions?

Meng Chang suddenly had a flash of inspiration and understood.

He could not expose Young Master Tian's identity. He could not let others know that he was actually an employee of Tengda. That was for sure.

However, what if it was really exposed?

That person must not be Meng Chang!

That was because Meng Chang's reputation was too bad. It might have improved a lot but he was doing advertising and marketing in Tengda after all. This position was too sensitive.