From Actors To Movie Kings And Then to Actors

At first, Lu Zhiyao was confused about what was going on.

He was obviously a supporting actor. Why was he receiving so much attention?

However, after reading these reviews, he finally understood Boss Pei's good intentions.

Cui Geng was very curious. "The benefits of being a calefares are huge? More than the two movies you starred in previously? That doesn't make sense, right?"

He could not understand.

Lu Zhiyao took out his cell phone, found a film review on it, and handed it to Cui Geng.

"Look at this review and you'll understand."

Cui Geng reached out to accept the cell phone.

This film review was extremely popular. The title was: The current Lu Zhiyao was not only a real Best Actor, but also a real actor!

"Even though Lu Zhiyao doesn't have many scenes in 'Successor' and is far inferior to Tomorrow is Beautiful and Mission and Choice, I think that this movie is much more meaningful than the previous two movies."