The Triple Setup of Ghost General 2!

Yu Fei was a little confused.

Ghost General 2 had a grand structure? It was a puzzle that was more difficult than the real estate intermediary simulator and Safe and Civilized Driving?

I don't think so?

Yu Fei was the chief designer himself. He had participated in the entire design of Ghost General 2 from beginning to end and knew the current data of this game very well.

Why should it be compared to the real estate intermediary simulator and Safe and Civilized Driving?

Both of these games had a huge impact on reality. One had penetrated the traditional intermediary industry, and the other had triggered changes in the driving school system.

What virtues and capabilities did Ghost General 2 possess? Just the sales volume alone could not be compared to these two games.

Yu Fei continued watching with confusion.

"Ghost General 2 is a combat game."