Each Of The Three Models Has Its Own Joy!

For a full 15 minutes, both sides fought back and forth, not giving in to each other, very nervous and exciting.

Many viewers even felt that 15 minutes had passed so quickly?

Chen Sha was an outstanding commander but the other party's commander was not inferior. Obviously, the other party should also be one of the players who participated in the Sun Strike Studios test.

In the future, as the game became more and more popular, the number of players would increase explosively. More and more players would be proficient in the game mechanism, and more and more players would be able to be the commander.

After the game was officially released, some games in the early stages might be more one-sided because of the difference in commander level. However, the further they went, the gap in strength between the two sides would naturally become closer and closer. The battle would also become more tense and exciting.