Zhao Xuming's Good Method

After some consideration, Jin Yong had an idea.

He called Zhao Xuming and prepared to briefly explain the situation and ask for his opinion.

However, he was interrupted by Zhao Xuming. "Wait a moment. I'll apply for an emergency overtime limit in the intranet."

"Alright, what did you say?"

Jin Yong: "…"

Good lord, he had to apply for overtime limit for something like that?

Tengda's rules and regulations were very strict. He had no choice but to submit to it.

Jin Yong briefly explained the situation.

Zhao Xuming could not help but snicker. "Indeed, a leopard never changes its spots."

"For most people, when making decisions that do not involve their own interests, they would always be generous, generous, and wise. However, once it involves their own interests, they would naturally become stingy, petty, and short-sighted."