Did He Request For The High Rail Ticket?

February 25th, Monday.

Pei Qian came to the office as usual and briefly explained the current situation of the various departments.

Settlement was on Thursday. No new products were to be released from the various departments. They had basically arranged for sudden spending. However, whether they could incur losses or not would depend on this last bluff.

Until now, it was not safe to incur losses.

Pei Qian paid attention to IOI first.

Pei Qian had not heard from them for a while ever since the four-man team went to talk to Dayak Corporation.

The main reason was that there was a time difference between the two sides. What's more, Pei Qian felt that he could not help much and asked the four of them to take charge. Meng Chang finally decided that it would be enough as long as they could reach a deal.

He did not know about the internal news, but it was quite difficult not to pay attention to external news.