Spend the Last Money

Everyone was shocked when they heard tat.

"A special recruit?"

"Tengda? Are you sure it's Tengda?"

"Did Tengda's HR department call? What did they say? Do they need to interview again in the future?"

In the end, Old Zhou's phone rang before Brother Wei could answer.

Everyone held their breaths and looked at Old Zhou.

Was this another call from Tengda?

Old Zhou picked up the phone, trembling. He hummed a few times, unable to speak properly.

After a long time, he hung up and looked at everyone.

"F*ck, Old Zhou, is this a call from Tengda? Hurry up and speak! Don't keep us hanging!" The by-standers could not remain calm on the spot.

Old Zhou swallowed his saliva and tidied up his shocked expression. "It's Tengda. I've been specially recruited as well!"

Everyone was shocked!