I Think I Am Scolding Myself?

Pei Qian felt that there was something fishy behind this. He had to find out.

Thus, he quickly opened various forums and found everyone's discussion about Suffering Travels. He wanted to see why there were still so many people registering this time.

"Suffering Travels is open again. Hurry up and sign up!"

"Why did they sign up? Didn't we discuss it previously? This thing is spending money to suffer!"

"What do you know? Those who say that they spent money to buy suffering are on the first level. That's too superficial! I heard a big boss in the industry say that the players in Suffering Travels are all at the level of Tengda's person-in-charge and core employees! Aren't they just connections if they suffer together and nurture comrades? It might be an opportunity to enter Tengda!"

"What's more, Suffering Travels now has the title of the ascetic. That's an honor!"