The Counter-Tengda Alliance is Confused

At the same time, Li Shi had just finished his shift with He Desheng. He was researching Dream Realization Ventures' investment project.

"Boss Pei is obviously an investment genius with 100% success rate, but he has completely released his control and guidance of Dream Realization Ventures. The success rate of this investment has fallen too much, much lower than Fu Hui Investments…"

"However, Boss Pei still firmly implemented the previous approach. He did not have much restrictions on the companies that he invested in. He only sent the finance department to supervise."

"In other words, Boss Pei would be generous to companies that abide by the rules and did not cheat investments. He would not care if he could recover this investment."

"Could this be… the generosity of a real investor?"

All along, Li Shi had heard about Dream Realization Ventures' investment rules.