What Is The In-Built Game Of The Gaming Router?

Finger Games publicly announced they would become an independent workspace. They would maintain on a small scale after cutting off all the redundancies of previous employees!

What's more, after the merger, only 30% of the profits would only be distributed to Finger Games. Finger Games' employees' salaries and various other costs would have to be deduced from this 30% before shareholders were able to obtain dividends!

That was even more overboard because Finger Games' biggest shareholder was Tengda. The dividends were still distributed to him.

Of course, Tengda could distribute it however it wanted. That did not matter. However, the key was that they were only giving Finger Games 30% of the profits. Most of the profits were returned to Tengda. How much profit could there be?

After all, GOG had been a game with cheap skins from the beginning. That was a tradition.