'Dimensional Game Adventure'!

April 12th, Friday.

Qiao Liang watched the popularity of this episode of 'The person-in-charge's words' rise and felt a sense of pride.

Was this what it felt like to be invincible?

It was the first time he was the substitute person-in-charge of Tengda Corporation's department. It was also the first time he participated in the business war and went up against other companies.

Initially, Qiao Liang was feeling indignant and uneasy. They were two huge live-stream platform giants after all. Would he attract revenge if he stood up to slap their faces in public? Would there be serious consequences?

However, after fighting, he realized that there were no consequences. Instead, it felt quite good!

Once this video was released, it immediately caused a strong response. Many streamers posted videos to respond or appear to dismantle the tricks of these live-stream platforms.