"Safe Sleep" Office Chat System

May 8th, Wednesday.

"This is the first batch of companies to sign up for Tengda's cooperation department. There are a little more people. Take a look and see which company to go to first?"

Pei Qian handed the tablet computer to Min Jingchao.

Min Jingchao reached out to take the tablet. He could not help but look stunned when he saw the name list in the table.

"Boss Pei, you call this a little too much?"

There were more than 70 companies on the list!

What's more, there were not only game companies and game channels, but also many other messy companies. There were companies of various sizes and industries!

Why were these companies joining in the fun?

Min Jingchao was a game designer, so he could only work with games-related companies.

Boss Pei had already made this very clear to other companies when he established the Tengda Cooperation Department.

However, these unrelated companies signed up without any regrets!