Can You Knock-Off On Time?

If Long Yu Corporation had not been the best choice in the list of companies that Boss Pei had given him, Min Jingchao would not have come at all.

Long Yu Corporation might not lack outstanding mid-level leaders like Jin Yong and a few other person-in-charge, but the problems with the high-level leaders were very troublesome.

A stupid leader was more dangerous than a hundred stupid employees!

If he met stupid employees, he could teach them slowly as long as they were willing to listen. They would produce fine work when they were slow.

However, it would be difficult if he met a stupid leader!

Stupid leaders were usually very arrogant and would not easily listen to their subordinates' opinions and suggestions.

Sometimes, he would even get angry and fire the person who raised the suggestion!

Min Jingchao did not like Boss Ding from Long Yu Corporation, but since he was here, he had to eliminate all obstacles and settle this matter!