You'd Better Look For Min Jingchao

May 25th, Saturday.

Boss Ding came to his office with a dark expression and called his assistant in front of him.

"Call Jin Yong over."

The assistant looked pained. "Boss Ding, Jin Yong did not come to the office today on Saturday."

Boss Ding was stunned.

It felt like this had happened before?

Ever since Min Jingchao came, Jin Yong was no longer the workaholic of the company.

His working hours had become regular. He would leave immediately after work, just like the other person-in-charge. He would not stay for a minute more.

After a moment of silence, Boss Ding raised his voice an octave. "Call Boss Kang over, then!"

He was a little puzzled. Why was he not around every time he looked for Jin Yong!

Actually, this was normal. That was because Boss Ding would choose to look for him during non-working hours every time.

For executives, choosing to look for subordinates during breaks was a common practice.