It Feels Like There Is A Mole

Wu Bin took out another plan when he heard that. "This plan is mainly for changes in the business of Boqun Media."

"First of all, all accounts controlled by Boqun Media have to release a statement. The content of the statement is: The previous accounts' content more or less have problems of exaggerating facts and guiding emotions. In the following period of time, Boqun Media has to stop and edit the previous manuscript or video. They will either be edited and uploaded again or completely deleted!"

"As for whether to modify the content or completely delete it, the department will self-reflect! After some time, I will read the content again. If I find that I missed something, the corresponding department will take responsibility."

"Secondly, for those small accounts that plagiarize and wash manuscripts, cut them all off and focus all your energy on a few large accounts!"

"Get rid of all the plagiarism and plagiarism content. Keep strictly disciplined!"