It Is Really A Router

"Hello, everyone. I'm the person-in-charge of Otto Technologies, Jiang Yuan."

"Thank you all for taking the time out of your busy schedules to come to Otto Technologies' news conference for the new product. I warmly welcome everyone on behalf of Boss Pei, Vice-President Chang, and everyone in Otto Technologies!"

"It has been two years since Otto Technologies was established. I want to thank all the fans who support Otto Technologies on behalf of all the employees of Otto Technologies."

Jiang Yuan introduced them steadily as usual.

His stage style was different from Chang You's. Chang You had a performance effect the moment he went on stage. It always made people laugh, as if they were in a crosstalk show.

Many people expressed that they could not help but want to laugh when they saw Vice-President Chang's face.

However, Jiang Yuan's stage style looked very literary. He was a little like an introverted good student.