The Monster Within

It has been a long day at his desk. His looks around to see his room scheming ways to kill him, the worn brown paint peeling off the wall with cracks appearing on the pillars. Preparing to crush him with force. The torn curtain swaying to the wind from a broken window. Reminding him of the dangers outside. His mattress starting to grow moulds with the air conditioner nearly unable to keep to the strain after more than ten years. Getting up from his torn up swivel chair, Caze frowns as he glances out of the window. The lights from the nearby rich district looks nice unlike where he is at now. A worn down house in the middle of a junkyard.

He remembers how his father was the king in the junkyard business, Every time an exotic car or anything rare breaks. His business is the one used by many to look for parts. They still do such a business, but times had been terrible after the war. Their business hit hard without any business day to day.

He hears a light bulb fizzle as he looks around to see his family members. His annoying brother in the nearby wooden shed, putting the tools back into place. Most of the metal lately have been high in value ever since the war. However for them, it had attracted a lot of attention. Ever since his grandfather, a gambler, incurred a large amount of debt. The nearby gangs took the time to rob and vandalize the property even after his death.

"Well at least he is not disturbing me..." he thought to himself. He looks around to see his sickly mother at the bed. Ever since his suicide, she had lived a sickly life, fearful of the gang that tormented her. Her health is getting better but the pain from a decade ago is far from over.

He looks over to the dusty picture frame on a cabinet featuring a picture of a once happy family. His 'family' joyfully staring at him ages ago at him, seemingly asking him why? Why was his sister taken forcefully and incarcerated by the old government? Was it all because she was one of few who had powers? Where is she? He stares outside to see a bunch of lights shining up at the sky from tall buildings. Filled with nonchalant people oblivious to the pain the victims had been facing. Caze sighed as he wonders how was she doing. Her mom would be really happy to know. But she may be probably dead, killed off like a lab rat. Even if she would come back from the dead, she may still angry after one decade. She would probably crush him if she saw him and his brother.

"If only if there was such a chance..." He whispered as he goes out to take some envelopes by the doorstep. The cold air greeting him harshly as he made his way past broken exotic cars. Rusting and leaking coolant. He heads through the rough dirt, his boots squeaking from the touch of water as rats and cockroaches run rampant around the place. He makes it out, the road desolate as ever. But now with a new surprise, two men running towards an SUV, giggling about their latest move, the large construction fence now spray painted with dollar signs. Screaming for their payment of the debts they owned. Sure he was right there, but the deadline was next week. Shouldn't be much harm in wasting energy now for the boss. They taunted Caze, screaming about his promise of 100k as they drove around and nearly hit him.

"Watch yourself! He he he!"

He watched as the engine squealed, scrambling away back into their hiding spots. He kicks the fence, frustrated. He had just cleaned that part up, now he would have to do it again. He so wished these heroes they called Supers would deal with the gangs running rampant.

However they probably won't come, they after all decided to have an award ceremony at night. He rummages through the rusty red letter hoping for subsidies. But even more bad news, debts from banks. It's taking their toll on the family. Grandpa why?

He crushed the paper in anger, wishing for some financial assistance as he walks back into the warmth of his mother's arms. Hopeful of her recovery. As he comes back, he sees something out of the blue. The strange green glow in the bedroom became stronger. Nearly blinding him as he cautiously entered the house.

"That's not possible..." he hastily made his way back to the bedroom to see a hunk of metal, crude black ooze sticking components of what he recognized was his computer. He watch in horror as the creature grinned, somehow transforming itself into Caze himself. A dead replica. It looks so realistic that he hated it, a man who failed to improve the business.

Caze growled in a wild manner, attempting to use a metal ruler found on his desk to fight it. But it was pointless as it snaps cleanly, waking his grandma up with a loud splinter. He dazed at his killer as he watches his blood stain linearly onto his white shirt, his eyes moving apart as both parts of the body slumping away from each other. His grandma, who is wide awake struggled to move about, dragging her feet onto the wheelchair as she sees 'Caze' behind two portions of a dead body. 'Caze' eyes glowed bright green as his skin turns dark brown, emitting ash all over the doorway. He looked like he was the literal embodiment of hell with his dark expression and killer stance in the dark room, his veins glowing green as she became terrified of the monster, twitching uneasily and screaming for dear life.

Derek fiddles with the near rusty tools, aligning them straight. He looks at his surroundings, listening to rock tunes from his old radio. Now barely audible. The business had been rubbish, barely livable at this rate. Where is the help? Government subsidies weren't even able to give them a proper meal. Must he literally be the slyest man out there just to survive? So that he wasn't a parasite to society?

He hears the singer scream, blasting great tunes at the drop. It always feel satisfying, unlike his life. He hears his voice, screaming vocals into the mike and... it was not his voice at all, he couldn't recognize his vocals but rather a loud explosion, he turns around to see a bright green and orange glow. Blinding him.

"Must be from the gang..." He grabs his shotgun as he heads out of the shed . The glowing heat blinding him as he sees a silhouette of Caze. Cold and emotionless about what he was doing.

"What have you done?..."

He gasped, aiming the gun at 'him' as he sees a green glow from the being's fist. Blinding him as he is launched into the shed, tearing the wooden door apart and crashing down on the dirty floor.

He watches 'Caze' walked towards him slowly. Still very cold and toying with him like a rag doll. He peers around, his shotgun still intact from the blinding lights. He quickly grabbed his shotgun, spotting a chance but another glow melts the Benelli into a silver and black goo.

What has he become? He knew his tampering weren't harsh, but what has the rest of Johnson family done for him to come to this? He closed his eyes seeing the times when he was around. When nothing mattered. As he accepted his fate, he waited for his green glowing ball, but nothing came. He slowly open his eyes, the heat emitting around the place making seeing difficult.

He hears 'Caze' throwing a sports car at someone in the distance. Hoping to throw the person of, but she immediately dodged with a blast of wind. The burning wreck immediately escalating into an inferno. He moves away, staggering slowing towards the being's direction. He finally opens his eyes, spotting the silhouette of a long haired female figure standing upon on the broken tower of cars. Her dress stood in the wind. Swaying in their place.

A super was here.

'Caze' snarled as he throws a large SUV at her. But yet again she rebounded it as the SUV crunches and split apart. He leapt up into the air, igniting both of his hands as two large black holes formed around it. She sneered. What was this being even?

The being stood above all as all the light is sucked in. The area now blowing aggressively, sports cars all thrown at her as they fall into the void. Derek quickly ran behind several metal pipes, hoping that he would be saved.

"What about her?"

His thoughts ran wild, worrying for her safety. He watched closely, the girl leaping from car to car as she threw the vehicles simultaneously at the being. Hitting a home run.

It quickly dissolved the black holes, annoyed that it didn't seem to work as the cars kept piling up on it. It directed a sports car at her, slamming onto her forcefully.

Good. She was finally down, but it was not pleased. Knowing how she probably was not the only one. It quickly leaped into the garage connecting the house, crashing through brick roof as the still silence takes hold.

Derek quickly gets up, fearing for his life. he didn't have the firepower to even go up against it and yet he is still here? He cautiously moved to assist the girl. Flipping the vehicle back onto it's feet. She groaned from the impact, her arms and legs bruised. Her white party dress was now ruffled in the now calming winds. Splotched with brown stains that ruined her mood. She stands up madder than ever, her face about to explode as Derek stepped back, hoping that he would not be caught in the roaring anger.

"Where is that twat?!?" She screamed towards the broken debris of the remains. The house completely flattened into nothing but a giant crater.

The rumble of a V6 with a supercharger whine silence the still environment, smashing through the wooden garage door and towards them.

"That's mine!" He points at him as they barely avoided the dark green sports car, now driving away into the abyss.

"Energy Breaker reporting! An anomaly has taken place, send reinforcements now!"