
Later that day

Sylvie glanced into the chamber filled with green fluids. Victor was inside recuperating. She sighed, why did she only learn about the terrible part of the suit now? Why not sooner? After all, she is a doctor. She is however glad that unlike Sector A, Sector B opens it up and integrates it amongst the officers and soldiers. Though she was uncomfortable with the extremely tight security, with laser gates and scanner machines.

Victor twitched slightly, probably irked by his injuries despite his sleep. He won't wake up. But he was able to talk, for now. The red and blue cables all attached to his back and arms with piping to check on his heart rate. Going smooth.

She looked at his hands and legs. Trying to gloss over the fact that he can't have his clothes. His hands and legs were all broken from the large force striking him. Researchers claim that this fluid helps individuals to self heal. Though she still somewhat doubts it's effectiveness. At best he would only recover two months later. He would still need to go for therapy just so that he could walk.

She sighs, their eyes in the sky and tank is gone. Now Baku and Max have to take over his role. She glances to her right, Atsuki contained in the other chamber. It amazes her how the black blob can change people behavior so quickly. How Atsuki's true feelings and hatred was put on full display. She wondered if she would forgive him for his ruthlessness. But then again, he has been too uncompromising lately, to the point of harming himself.

"Hey, we are going now!" Sylvie turns around to see Shane, Shao Lin and Sergio outside of the room, all eagerly waiting for her. Sergio was released just now, all alive and kicking, though still sore over what had happened while on probation. She smiles, though trying to hide her rather lack of trust at the latest confirmed member in the Special Squadron, as stated by the then Saxon, as she bring her bag of clothes. They earlier managed to gather more of their belongs from the building. Somehow yet to collapse before coming back to Sector B. He probably would want her to go. As her brother, he made sure that she also get to have some fun. She makes one last look at him and her amongst the other empty chambers with green fluids before heading out.

They walked up slowly, still tired about their job. They have yet to sleep, though they rather have a well deserved break first. She walks out of the stairs easily to the lobby, not as grand as Sector A's own lobby. But was pristine with quartz flooring and greenery trimmed on the walls. Outside, Leroy was waiting with Maximilian and the others in the vehicle. She squeezed into the back with Shane, stuck to a yellow roll cage. Amazed how this Honda MPV still have enough space to fit nine people comfortably. Though a bit awkwardly in the second row due to Baku's mechanical parts.

"Is that it?" Leroy asked as everyone nodded, though he spotted Hanson and Max glaring at each other. He shakes his head as he continued, "Alright atta boy!"

He floors the van as all of its horses kicked in, lurching everyone in their seats as the rear tires continued to spin. He rides downtown rather reckless and professionally. Whizzing pass cars and nearly getting caught by police officers staring down at their extremely loud, modified purple van. The F1 sound catching everyone's attention as he skids down the junction towards the beach.

Shane peers into the mirror with Sylvie at Leroy. He was grinning at his amazing creation as it went past a group of car guys with BMWs and Paganis, all having awkward stares. He looks at his gauge, all systems are good. He drives into the parking lot, arriving at their destination with several locals already crowding up certain spots. His car made a happy rev as he off the engine. Finally able to stretch the car's legs.

"Let's have some fun!" They watch as Max immediately rushed out of the car to a nearby gym. Leroy shakes his head as he grabs his book, several large white towels and a lounge chair from the back of the van. He hysterically laughed at himself, managing to steal all of the items from Harold. Though he wondered if he is raging back at the tower.

Placing it down an empty spot near the sea close to a bunch of colonial shop houses with Roman styling. He wears his straw hat and rested his shoulders. He would go and continue working, but his time with Maximilian had made him realize how it was much more spectacular to have some fun in the limited time he had. As he puts on his sunblock, he turns around sees Hanson coming out of the van half naked in his brown shorts. He wasn't as muscular as Max but he definitely had training with six packs showing amongst the now clear sunny day. Attracting a bunch of locals smitten by him, to his liking.

Behind him, the girls were all changed, almost all stripping down into bikinis with Baku showing off a lot of robotic bits including her 'six packs', which were actually air ducts for her reconstructed stomach. He watches as she immediately rocketing into the air for a large dive into the sea, fascinating the locals as if it was a introduction to a circus. He was glad that he managed to make her parts waterproof, happy that she could finally feel a sense of childhood all over again. He blissfully watches her play in the sea rather childishly with Shane, Shao Lin and Sylvie, who was the only one wearing a one piece swimsuit.

Meanwhile he sees Sergio in her black string bikini, given by Shane, eager for more training after a long rest in bed as she head towards Max who was flexing on everyone else. All training for muscles he had.

"Can I sit down here?" Leroy turns around to see Derek in his tank top. He definitely did not feel comfortable being here. Though he seemed rather amazed that he is technically part of The Light of Men despite being blinded by the afternoon sun. He looks at him, lowering his shades. Pretending he wasn't a pervert just by looking at the girls as he responded, "Sure!" Derek sat down as he asked him rather uncertainly, mumbling in his words, "Can you care to explain why I'm so proficient using firearms, I wasn't even part of the armed forces before my solitude. I don't feel good being part of this-"

"Look you are already in the group. Deal with it," Leroy shook his head, he had been rambling this all the time since he came to mess with that stupid portal of his. Though the thought of the portal reminds him of another visit that must be made.

"I wonder tho, what do you think of the girls so far?" Leroy is surprised by Derek's words. His cheeks flushing. Yes he was a bit of a pervert, drooling for bits of that skin but he has never had that thought ever since he fell out with his parents before the Two Year War. Nor will he ever try to have such a thought since it felt illegal to him.

"I don't know man, they only just arrived two weeks ago," he looks at him with a little suspicion. He was getting too close to his privacy. He looks back at the playful group as he talked, "Because I really am starting to hate Baku."

He pulls up his straw hat, trying hard not to sweat. He had constantly been complaining and they always had been annoying. How is he going to pull him off his leash? He sighed as he looked away from Derek and onto the clear sky, answering with a rather gruff and annoyed manner, "Just a tip, whatever you do, do not piss off the holy trinity."

"Who?" Derek leaned closer to his chair. More uncomfortable by the second as he whispered into his ear. "Max, Baku and Sylvie..."

As he was about to say a bit more, he turns Shane and Shao Lin arriving at his place, fully drenched. Shane in a white bikini while Shao Lin wore a baby blue long-line bikini with tropical patterns.

"We are going for drinks, want some?" The both of them looked at each other and shook their heads upon hearing Shane's. They had too much caffeine last night that another drink would make them sick.

"Alright then," Shane and Shao Lin took a towel each and head down the street. A lot of locals looked at them with unusual glances. She looked on awkwardly as they continued walking, finding themselves at a bar called Tamel's. The place was dark, the windows tinted and the stereo system rather cold. There was no one around the tables and most of not all were at the other bars. But the sight of many people crowding the area freaks Shao Lin out.

"I don't like the crowds man. Our break time may be shortened because of all the wait."

"Look the drinks may be much better ya know?" She taps her on the shoulders with warm confidence, but she still seemed rather reluctant. Shaking her head in disagreement.

With a sigh, Shane agreed to go with her into the bar. Maybe the drinks here could be just as good... The cold bell getting them to a dark warm interior which seemed to sucked out all the light with a fake deer head stuck on a plaque. At the counter, a bright-skinned man greets them with a low bow. He had brushy hair similar to Sergio except he had a low fade at the bottom. His bread seemed rather ominous with thieves and his expression seemed rather obnoxious.

"Woah..." he greets them with a mix of British and Portuguese accents, amazed at their appearance as he continued, "You were the heroes that thwart that thing?"

"Yes, we were from that mission earlier on the day," Shao Lin wistfully responded. Shane wondering why she was so public about it as the man looked out uneasily. Seemingly trying to hide something, continuing his important conversation, "Perfect! I'm sorry if you were looking for a drink, but I'm going to need your help... they are going to need your help..." He carefully looked outside, nodding to a group of middle aged men and women sitting outside as he flips over the 'we are open' card.

Shane and Shao Lin looked on uneasily as he directs them into several VIP rooms. Through a vending machine, he punched in what seemed like morse code as he ushered them into a dark set of stairs, informing them to cover themselves with their large towels

"I hope these women can help us..." He sighs as he closed the vending machine.