Victor sped off, blasting clumps of monsters in his way using his new bazookas. Behind him, other robots from Sector B were trying their best to keep up. Looking at the aftermath of the GALED system. The place was completely abandoned with machines all burning amongst the concrete blocks.
They look to their right to see their French allies closing in as a huge chunk of black dots. Even though they were allies ten years ago, they still feared each other. Especially when they found out that the system is still active.
"Hey don't use them recklessly! These explosive ammunition is still limited!" Yan spoke out on the mike. Watching more infernos blasting into the sky, all made by Victor. Blasting away concrete and putting several of his colleagues to rest.
Victor was having too much fun, though he wondered whether the bazookas were really overkill. He removes the rocket propellant as it crashed onto the ground. He moves the legs with force as the machine's legs tilts upwards to a diagonal position. It's wings were now in a V formation. He quickly checked his system as he spots the large dark tower in the dark sky. He relaxed, all he had to do was too check where it was...
He swallowed his thoughts as a the place suddenly was filled with flying crimson bricks. He quickly transformed again, the bricks knocking his robot out of balance as he sent out his funnels, activating the system. He freaks out, watching Yan and the others still far behind. Trembling in his cockpit. It looked even more ferocious than the Evangelion he faced off. He looks up to see the machine, now nearly half the height of the tower.
Meanwhile in the tower
"What the f..." Shane looked at the remains of Atsuki in the chamber when a huge rock lurches them forward.
"What was that?!?!" Sylvie looked behind. The tower was shaking beneath their feet. Lighting for the place is now completely cut off as Max turned on his flashlight and rush down the steps, Derek right behind him as they checked the window downstairs. This time seeing parts of a platform instead nothing but slabs of concrete and what looked like a dark silhouette earlier.
"Damm it I hate myself so much now!" Max shook his head in disbelief, unable to believe that he and his group completely missed this secret. Especially Shane who was looking right by the window as they head upstairs. The troops were nowhere to be found. Most likely still trying to cover basement.
"Victor Garnier! You are dead!" The robotic voice boomed into the atmosphere as it made a metallic shriek. Victor poised his bazookas at him. He only have five shots each. Probably enough to deal damage to the robot. But he gulped, uncertain of his success as he finally makes out the robot as a modified Mazinger Zero, a robot from an ancient manga that Ambar read based off talk from his colleagues back in their conflict with Sector B. The robot had the same paint scheme as the one with the comics. Except the metal 'helmet' now had metal teeth. It's amber eyes glowed like a greeting from the fires down below. Instead of the usual backpack that it had, it now had wings resembling that of a bird. Each feather made to look like a dagger. Somewhat resembling the backpack Atsuki wore. The large metal plates in its chest seemed just aesthetic as it thrusted itself into the air, looking down at Victor's robot, now ten times smaller than it.
"You tried to kill me mercilessly last time with a point black shot from your stupid Shotgun. But now with this new body... You. Now. Shall. Face. Your. Consequences!" Victor became wide eyed, coming to his realization off who was controlling the mech as she launched all her 'feathers'. Each the size of a bus, glowing green as they destroyed all of his funnels. He swerved to avoid it, flying away from the swarm. Eddy and Yan, who had just arrived with their troops, quickly tried to intercept the large being using funnels and guns to damage her 'feathers', But it was too late. She was engrossed in killing him. He blows up several of the daggers, falling to the ground and collapsing several low rise apartments as the swarm followed him like missiles locked onto him. Flying around and away from the site and towards Sector C, where their jets and robots along with the Americans in their medieval looking robots. All closing in. He quickly ditches a bazooka, blowing up several 'feathers' into a fireball as he charges at it from behind, firing at her head. He spots the 'large monster' turning around, preparing to grab him with all of her might.
But as he toggle through the controls, a loud siren screeched in the cockpit, nearly bursting his ears as he struggled to move the thrusters.
"Why is it not mov-!"
"Do you think I'm not looking? She grabs the robot, crushing it's limbs and rupturing the cockpit in the process. Victor winced, all the monitors flashed red, screeching as bright electricity shocks Victor, nearly fainting. She swirls around the robot like a rag doll to the British force's disgust who had just arrived in their similar looking Vix 3Ns and ridiculous Jekus. Watching him get tossed down towards a junction. Her 'feathers' swarming the building quickly cuts off the robots limbs midair and repeatedly tried to pierce through the cockpit. The cockpit was ruptured so badly he could not shed his armor to escape the horde. Victor screamed in fear and pain as the monitors all caved in towards him, pushing him down onto the road with a loud thud.
"Quickly! She must be controlling this machine!" Maximilian yells as Shane takes a hammer from a metal trolley nearby. The place may had been filled with lots of concrete but it wasn't necessarily soundproof, especially with the doors opened. She quickly smashes the glass of the chamber, green fluids flowing out, staining her jeans and jacket as a loud thud distracts her. She turns around to see Hanson knocked up against the wall as a large man looked at her with ferocity down the dark corridor. Ken.
"She will have her revenge!" He launches forward as Max stopped him in his tracks, "I'll get him! Unplug the damm thing now!" He thrusts himself from the concrete floor, creating a large crater as he launched himself to push Ken down the corridor with his gun. Hanson, who is awake and dazed by the sudden attack is greeted with lots of manly muscles.
"Goddammit Max!!!" His voice echoed through the corridors. Shane turns back around to her task. Leroy and Sylvie rushes up to her to help, trying to figure out the right wires to unplug when Shane looked on dazed at the other end off the room. Many mini machines she recognized was made by Ambar all heading towards them. This time all tricked out with Gatling guns as they angled their weapons at the trio.
Leroy's machine quickly jumped in to block the shots, some ricocheting off and hitting the glass chambers in the room as Sylvie scrambled to use the plants she sensed were nearby, its stems all growing out from the large concrete slabs to form a large wall.
Baku, Derek and Shao Lin quickly rushed in to halt the infinite amount of invaders. Shao Lin using the leaking fluid, shocking the machines while Baku melted them to liquid metal and Derek amazed Baku as he accurately shot out its camera, confusing the machines as they got stuck. They made good time as more came out from the dark corridor they came in.
"This one!" Leroy yelled as Shane quickly pulled out the wire. From the sounds outside, Sylvie hears the echos of loud crunching of metal and a metallic crackle. Then it stopped.
Eddy and Yan looked gazed. It's amber light fading as it lowered itself, slumped against the building. It's 'feathers' all returning back to its backpack, "It is over..." Eddy looked on and smiled. His mike filled with cheers from his troops as he rested his eyes. But a loud cheer turns into loud gasps and fear. He opens his eyes to see the mech rise up again, its eyes turning bloodshot red while it's 'feathers' rise again. Around the mech, he sees humanoid machines similar to theirs launching out of their spots. Meant to defend the building.
He sighed. They working as intended. Except now they all had been defaced, featuring people's faces.
The machine launched it's fists, now hurling at him with it's feathers flying in all directions. Crashing down and slicing jets and robots in their way.
Everyone swerved to avoid the flying metal. Spraying the machines and the daggers. Their humanoid machines all mauling their counterparts with their sharp claws as they faced off. But every one lost, more just came to kill them. It was hopeless. American and British forces quickly head towards the building but the 'feathers' blocked any chance of entry.
Yan sighed, it was going to be down to the troops via the subway now. Suddenly a voice speaks out from the mike, "Get out of the way! The elite air squadron will take over things here!" Yan looks at his radar. A single dot with codes recognized as from Sector B. The voice also sounded familiar.
"Harold?" He looks up using the mono eye camera to see seven weird looking 'jets' cutting through the air at speed. All of them of ruby red with parts Yan could identify as limbs. The front of the machines were sleek, lacking a cockpit window. All equipped with a heated saber at the front shaped around the machine all the way towards its wings. The machine was going so fast, he doubt that they even need to superheat the sharp tip as they head straight at the machine.