World in Crisis

They stormed out of the office. Stamping beneath their feet to the hangar below. Watching carefully at soldiers who scrambled to the deck. Checking their weapons and waiting patiently by the deck. The place was already in chaos. No one seemed free. Arming up and rushing to the front lines between murmurs and fear, grabbing containers of ammunition directly to the machines as men slowly stacked the items in case of an invasion. At one corner, he spots the heroes all clambering around the commanders who stood by solemnly. Their eyes groggily awake in their lack of sleep. Unable to rest even after the fast paced events which occurred overnight as they looked back at the ex-judge of the United Union, sweating after rushing through the traffic.

"What do we do now?"

He looks at what seemed like a projection of the entire solar system in action from their wrist bands. It's cameras still active in the rubble. Hidden in plain sight with it's crystal clear imaging, haphazardly documenting all of the battlefield in seconds amidst the incredibly chaotic number of ships in space filled with arrows directly shown. Slowly determining the best positions of attack and defence. But even then, just by looking outside, he could only wonder if they would have a field day dealing with the pests.

"We unfortunately can't be passive. We don't know what their plan really is. It is therefore best to draft a report and not attack. Contact them so that we can meet for talks, also bring the creature that was 'kidnapped'," He sneered at the group, secretly hoping he wasn't scarred from it's experimentation as he continued, "in the meantime, devise a point around the island if they retaliate since after the drop into the earth, they would mostly like to be in their most vulnerable state."

He looked at the men, all of whom grim and twitching. Heading out to the satellite machine room down the corridor to inform the staff of contact. It was clear, they were not impressed with his idea. Their eyes freakishly wide and bold in the eerie tense calmness with the sweat flowing through the grime of their bushy beards as he followed behind.

"But what about that super weapon? How are we supposed to explain that? We can't just simply say that we had dealt with the weapon using a giant woman?"

He looked intently at the map, unable to concentrate from the questions now muddled by murmuring from mechanics and pilots. Eager and at wits end. Looking through the battle plan for an answer in the rough. Still frozen by his new position by the table. Hardly able to stagger himself straight and unable to sense the calmness within him. Hurting him every second from his big problem.

"I don't think we can win by being passive... that weapon's projectile may had somehow be quick enough to make it through... They had cornered us... those jerks without reason..."

He looks at the map, trying to look professional to the commanders in frustration. Unable to get themselves out of their tight situation and their 'new' leader. It was already bad that their best weapons had been compromised and their best heroes are on the run. An insult to the organisation upon the spectacle of their escape. Still not reported amidst their fears. He looks at the rifles the Revels had been armed. Hardly adequate for the challenge. Although as he looks at the castle in the distance, he could only wonder if the weapons could be adequately used once again.

He peers down at the men and women at the helm of the controls in the room. All struggling to get the communication to work. Ever since that incident, some of the satellites may be wrecked in the process. He hoped that commutations could begin immediately, like any other time. But the damage had taken it's toll. The only breakthrough was a buzz of static and alien speech that confused him. He looks on, hoping it would work.

Beneath the surface, he sees the other commanders in the room bickering between themselves. Ignoring the elephant in the room which stood. The task he had stated clearly on. Either that or they had yet to get the satellites to boot. He trembled between his legs despite the will that driven him this far. Unwilling to simply end his game here. He peered through the diagrams, looking through the rubbish belt filled with space trash and broken satellites. Nothing he felt compelled to use. He peers deeper, spotting an asteroid that had been caught in the belt. Big enough for machines to remain hidden for the ultimate surprise. Perfect. He looks at the bickering group, attempting to ease the mood with his ideas.

"We got communication!"

He looks up to the voice in the screen. The image unfortunately just fizzled with glitches and blurred colors. But the voice was crystal clear. Finally.

"Is this someone speaking through the planet?"

The king looked upon the speech in question. His workers scrambling to decode the message to respond in time as he speaks his mind.

"Yeah... look, I don't want to harm your planet. But can you care to explain why did our observers disappear all these years? Why is that weapon unleashed and especially, where is my son?!? Don't you dare hide him!!!"

Alfred listened carefully as he feels some of the commanders stammer in sadness and fear. Unable to deal with the missing child. Explaining their precarious situation was even worse. Especially the fallen spacecraft through the years. Hardly able to count at the back of his hand.

"Sir, the being that made that black hole had already been executed. The members involved in the project had mostly passed on and are or in hiding. So you don't have to worry about that." He gulped as he continued, "However your son is absent at the moment. He was supposed to be checked upon in case of any anomalies due to our atmosphere. This isn't the usual methods that we practice and we are bringing him over at the moment. Can you please give us several minutes to get him. I promise you, he is safe."

The king listened, seething in anger from his improper lack of demands. Their claims had put him on edge. Unable to fully convince himself of their honesty. Only making his eyes clench in fury amongst the bland droplets of sweat that stained his armor.

"How can I trust you?"

Alfred calmly looked upon at the voice behind the screen. Eloquent yet terrifying. He could only hope his commanders come up with something as the cold air conditioning struggled to cool his already perspiring situation.

"I'm a man who had overseen many operations in this planet and is part of a trusted organisation in the many places around this planet. You have my word."

He gulped, knowing he would get himself killed in the process. Staring back at the static screen as the king confirmed with his aides.

"Ok, you have 1 minute."

Finally, some time. He turns around to his aides. Hoping to see some good news for once. But the commanders themselves are in a state of panic. Unable to hide their shame.

"Umm sir..."

He looks back, finally having a look upon his face. Hiding his look of vexation in his issued green hat and his soft spoken voice.

"What is it?"

"We were checking his temperature this morning, trying to ensure his health but he wasn't at his spot. We looked for him bu-"

As the man shuttered, the being pandered on in frustration, hoping he had some answers. Resting on his chair as he furrowed in disbelief over this error.

"Where is he?"

"Well umm... he is here... but..."

Alfred trembled, his palms feeling every sense of dread and fear, sweating beneath the cold, pampering air that desperately tried to calm him and the rest down. But even it knew that it can't calm the might of the being in the camera.

"BUT?!?!?! I had enough for your planet's antics! Your planet had created a large weapon of mass destruction and you can't assure me where my son is?!? How dare you put him in such grave danger! How dare you lie to me and everyone else in this bloody galaxy!!! We will fire!"

He spoke through the mike, echoing his intentions loud and clear. Infuriated by their lack of communication. Even if he captured the rest of the inhabitants, they would still fight back, he already knew. Hating it to the very core. He clenched his staff which glimmered in the bright light, watching the reflection of his injured wife wandering in, slowly pedalling herself forward as she drops to her knees, shocking the staff who peered back. Her eyes flushed in pain and her cheeks rosy. Hardly the strong female he once remembered on the streets but a damsel in distress. Pitiful but saddening to be unable to assist in her new change of heart.

"Please stop! He may still be ar-"

He pat her back, shaking his head amidst defeat. They would had still won. Unable to save his son in time. His new-born. His only adopted child in the largest empire. The only royal blood that can allow the empire to rest. The only son that was at one point in the hands of his most trusted aides in his kingdom. His messenger.

"I'm sorry."

He clenched his fists, standing at the captain seat, poised to climb over his targets like a battle charge. Pointing his finger directly at the planet he deemed to had taken away everything he dreamed. Everything he worked for.


Alfred dashed out of the room in horror, watching the glowing weapon in the distance. Fully charged in the bowl of electricity that surrounded it. Screeching through orbit with a blinding red light amidst the chaos of men scrambling out to the deck. Hopeful to be able to fight back unlike the others who attempted to hide from the unforgettable blast. Roaring with that being's maniacal laughter which rippled through the sky in crimson red. Burning up at their only target which appeared in their tracks. Done with waiting and being considered weak. He smiled, staring at the blast which echoed through the cabin. Ignorant of the screaming of his wife who laid on her knees in frustration at the husband he was. He looks down. Knowing how the child was at that point too far gone. Not even an explanation appeared in front of them to see. Such lacklustre skills. He turns around, swaying his cape and embracing his wife, feeling every tear on his skin in his closed and teary eyes that flowed silently had it not been the shock and awe which turned into a dumbfounded gasp. He turns around peering back. Widening in eyes and the overwhelming tears that ensued through his blue cheeks.

"How is that possible?!?"

He watched in disappointment and awe at his super weapon, the pride and joy of his empire, fail hilariously. Revealing the large bubble that appeared. Dissipating amongst sparks of lightning and reflecting upon it's surface as it disappeared beneath the edge of space and fiery debris. Nothing like a shield he had once faced.

He furrowed his eyes, scrubbing off his tears. Hopeful he would see anything that would potentially be it's weakness. But nothing happened. He clenched his fist, unable to sense his anger and happiness, retorting amongst his men who stared out in shock at it's failure. Silencing the entire cockpit with gasps and frustration.

Alfred looks up at the glimpse of the shadow, shocked. His covered eyes slowly opened itself, tingling his fingers. Feeling every wrinkle in his face amongst the mechanics and men who hid in one corner. Still frightened by the screeching beast which laid still from the loud impact. They stared at each in confusion and tension which broke free. Celebrating amongst the loud cheers and clamouring amongst the lit runway. Fully energetic and determined unlike before. Welding their tools with eagerness as they scrambled to battle. He wanders further down the runway. Barely metres off the edge of the tarmac, filled with an awakening sunlight. Opening the picturesque view of men and women jumbled together with flags below, loudly chanting their anthem. Rallied and supportive at their only savoir. Their only hope. He clenched his fists, glad and determined for a chance as he grinned at the catapult which laid, drawn and sharpened at the fixed Zhenzhu that laid still. Ready to attack amongst it's gleaming nose. A mask that featured of two eyes that looked like a cat with thick eyeliners. Not really getting things right but still has the spirit. The fire of triumph. A new beginning.

"This means war!"