The seas were treacherous. Hardly calm from her rage. Still rippling through the waves and into their hearts. Weakening upon her obvious crude fate amongst the rising sun, shimmering the shadows of every ship that stood in their way. Their containers of newfound goods hardly passing by the ports of their countries with their luxury goods and illegal immigrants hiding themselves in a bid for freedom in Europe. Possibly hoping to escape their deranged homeland which had been destroyed by one man's stupidity and ignorance. Their captains too tired to care and greedy to bother. Only acting upon instructions of a kill that appeared with their large weapons and guards armed and ready. Pointed directly at the escapees instead of the consistently rising pirates that roamed the seas. Hopeful that they could live a better life amongst the utilitarian transports which deteriorated over time of abandonment and suffrage at sea. Hardly able to spot the two blobs and weird looking robots, barely hiding themselves in the clouds unlike the three flying ladies not far behind. Surprisingly not complaining about how physically tired they were despite what seemed like an hour.
Towards the fog, the light continued to breathe. Tearing holes through the darkness amongst the lingering fish that scampered about. Illuminating what little remained of the untouched sea amongst the rubble and colourful seaweed that remained hidden. The man peered out, watching closely at the silhouette of the predators linger around, slowly coming closer to their spot despite her protection. Wandering about aimlessly in their tiny lacklustre lives.
He looks ahead, the shining gem blindingly brighter than ever. Hopeful that their destination was near after their foggy journey. He peers at the group, watching the weakened Shane lay still alongside Ambar, both filled with sorrow. Ignoring the sleepy Hanson, sleeping and snoring loudly on the inner walls as their eyes fluttered upon the goo that began to seep into their hair. Completely nonchalant about the cleanliness of her skin amongst the terrible smell that lurked into the hole the group is hidden in.
He looks down, his muddy shoes diluted the peaceful colors, barely sunken into the blob despite his weight, still covered in her dress which looked surprising upon every glance, dirty from the intense amount of mud she experienced earlier. Although at the speed she was going, it was only a matter of time before it simply becomes a brown two-tone that didn't fit her style. Irritating her upon ever bubbling air that surfaced from her body in an attempt to breathe in the air.
He turns ahead, looking at the gem he held amongst the bright violent flashing that began to illuminate the belly like a disco ball in a party made for the claustrophobic. Sinking beneath his teeth amongst her blinking eyes that glimmered from what remained from the computer that laid within her. He looks ahead, his eyes catching the large sink hole which began to emerge, greeting them harshly from what seemed like a long slumber. The sharp jagged formation of rocks pieced through the peaceful sinking waters, showcasing seaweed and octopuses that wandered around aimlessly amongst a nearby shipwreck which laid crumpled. It's flag from the old Oflip cruisers still visible amidst the little rotting bones that sunk towards the hull. It was no doubt the place. Filled with the fritters of fear and hardly seen amongst the ships above.
"It's here!"
He took out the walkie-talkie he hid in his pocket, glad that he and Baku smuggled it from the castle as he struggled to press the large buttons of the small square brick. Watching the rising whirlpool emerging amongst the smog, forcefully dragging them down the sea of clouds that began to form. Glitching the machinery and clogging the silence amongst the loud screeches and low booms that bubbled through the dirt-filled waters. Leading them down ever so slowly down to the dark crushing depths, defying any sense of biology and physical evidence as they stumble upon an opening. The large cave illuminated the gem's presence. Lighting a path through the tight rocky corridor that revealed dry land.
They crashed onto the ground amongst the splatter of goo that covered their whole bodies, aggressively restructuring herself as Nemo reformatted back to her old form. Completely cold and barren, weak from her intense work. Behind her, Bryony wandered towards Verda, panting and shrieking from her injuries, collapsing onto her arms like a wreck. Tired from carrying the two blobs. Their emotions were however completely overshadowed by the fearful spectacle he was seeing.
It seemed similar to the Batcave, each wall filled with shards of piercing rocks that illuminated the high ceiling of colourful, polished rocks, marble and stone filled with vines that covered the ceiling black. He peers around, gulping at how it was not made by any civilisation that he remembered amongst the mundane history textbook decades ago that bore him at school. Somehow still shockingly visible in his memory which irked him.
He looked closely at the walls, each spotting eerie unexplainable depictions of war and aliens. Each carving fully detailed with dull colours and gory death in their progress to what seemed like a small hallway which led to an ominous glow. A curiosity amongst the others who got up beneath their feet. Watching themselves as the two giants land, rather cautious from the machine's height, fearful of a collapse. The dust kicked around them, awaking the bruised Hanson from his slumber, jumping to his feet for safety. Barely stepping aside and noticing his rather dirty state.
"What was the goo for?"
Hanson looked at Nemo, rather unhappy of his now tainted outfit to the glares of the new blob that stared back at the ridiculous man, still thinking he had been caught with his pants down unlike Shane who stumbled awake and broken with her cuffs still tightly in place. Hardly the powerful saviour but a simple mere mortal. Her lifeless eyes unwilling to think of her newfound losses which happened within a week and the sudden events that happened right before her eyes. Hardly able to stand straight to glimpse at the sight. Grumpily staring into space. She looks up, watching Victor and Leroy hop out of their robots paranoid. Staring back at the empty-eyed machines upon their exit, looking through their watches and glaring at each other. Not really fond of how one managed to skip his training unlike the other who slogged. Yet too lazy to speak of one another amongst a group of men and women in a cave. Peering away into the dreamy shadows.
He turns back, panting at the discovery. Salty how he was forced to become another idiotic copy of Indiana Jones. Pinned against a corner and brought along as a wasteful hostage to his probable funeral. He looked on frightened, gulping beneath his throat as he slowly advanced. Tripping every step into the bright natural rays which laid in front of him. Even more plain than what he imagined.
Through the cavern laid an out of place laboratory filled with the gifts of natural light. It's massive steel door rusting and ajar, hiding large machinery the size of a bus which stood aside menacingly, blinding amongst the faded grey surface and the clean, polished sheet floor that spanned into the distance for ages. Spotless at first sight amongst the carvings of large stone lines on the walls, moving calmly through the area into a large spiral at the end of the halls. Swirling around and meeting at the centre of the remaining light that emerged from the shadows. Illuminating the only object in the room. Elevated amongst the large stand, the large casket laid still amongst the stone. Calm and collected within the small cracking tips that laid it straight from what seemed like many years ago amongst the small pieces of paper which laid on the ground despite the clean looks that didn't screamed of an laboratory preserved in time. Although as he continued to look into the carvings, he could only see what seemed like artworks of alien symbols and supernatural power.
"What brings you here you mortal souls?"