
Meanwhile in the present day

She scampered along the corridor, rampaging through the art decorations and ceramic plates that stood in her way. Still struggling for some semblance of control upon her second personality. Horrified at her disregard of others. Seemingly attempting to tear out every plant just to crush everyone because of their greed. Appearing in full force upon the influx of growth which blew out of proportion and tore apart the mansion. Blocking the hallways amongst the now thickening foliage with animals somehow appearing to tend nature's wrath as it continues to grow. Hardly considering the safety of the infrastructure amongst her fighting colleagues, of which their relations were souring, still attempting to squeeze out the remaining gangsters fighting till the end. Her intruder still hiding amongst her own mind and levitating further away from their tense relationship of shredding the house. Only being halted by the flaming girl, scorching every single branch as a cyborg appeared from behind her. Still unable to get pass.

"You know I can help you right?"

Her ghostly partner explained to her. Hoping that she would listen to her for once. Her partnership in shambles after the casino incident. Remorseless to the consequences of the carnage that tore apart everyone's lives in Macau. Unwilling to talk to her despite asking her nicely over and over again. Brushing her aside like an old toy. Unwanted and battered from previous use.


She grabbed the branches. Grabbing hold onto the cyborg and jamming his equipment. His drill whirled violently, filled with unease and eager to free itself. Only to stuck by the rapid growth of plants. Entangling him further and breaking into his armour. To her right, the woman was making a lot of trouble for her. Burning her advance thoroughly and grieving her ability to move through the low-ceiling halls that made breathing hard. Unable to get to the buyer who was scampering along to a helicopter. Seemingly infuriated that his plan had been foiled. Bickering in Japanese about his feelings.

Up above she could hear what seems like a giant laser tearing through the roofs outside. Attempting to burn her to ashes as the ceiling sank further in, struggling to hold up. Although as she continued on, she could tell they were holding back.

"Having fun?"

She hears the cyborg, raspy in his voice. Unbothered by her tricks and eager for actions. Laughing at the melting concrete which began to bubble under pressure. Peeling apart with it's white ceiling turning into a murky red and grey goo.

"You seriously think I'm fooled?"

She slams the cyborg to the wall, barely avoiding the large laser whose screech echoed through the creaks and knocks. Dissipating to reveal a large head staring right before them, it's face undamaged and rather moody as it stood, staring directly at the woman though the gaping hole with it's eyes glaring back in disgust. Attempting to fire back at her. With only sighs of disappointment, she turns up to the cyborg caught in her grasp. Her branch directly pointed to his neck with blood leaking onto the metal chest plate, flowing through the grime. Gasping for leniency that couldn't be given.

"Your 'boyfriend'... has a lot... of secrets to tell..."

He glances at the girl, her face still a deep freakish snarl, barely able to understand what he was saying amongst the burning wreckage. Her arm stiff to the teeth, sticking the branches deeper into his throat amongst the sight of his colleague. Still attempting to burn her way through with no success.

"Lame... how they... never told... you... how your scheming brother... did the deed upon your parents... and started the war..."

She looks at at the man with confusion, unable to understand what he meant under her widened gaze of anger and repulsion. The branches shrinking hesitantly, bringing him down upon a daze at his actions as he breaks free from the branches, overwhelming her grasp and kicked her to the curb. Her face frozen and upset. Filled with intense emotions of tears and anger, as if he had triggered something in her mind. Hard to comprehend and living amongst the murky past.

"Come! we got to go now! Japanese reinforcements are about to arrive!"

The man wanted to finish the job, his throat sore and weak from her stupid attacks. Rasping beneath his hard breath. His systems barely able to hold itself together and weak from his pounding upon Ambar. He looked back at the girl, her calm and freakish self just a mere husk, pulling her hair tightly beneath her palms, unable to think properly of her emotions as she began to scream uncontrollably. Crying bitterly at herself.

"She... is not fit... for this job!"

She wanders into the haze, unable to feel herself. She can't tell what he just did. But upon his sentence, her mind became a convoluted mess. She had no control, unable to steer herself, now at half the height she once was. Ashlyn was also nowhere to be seen. Her appearance nothing but a blur in history. Carefully wandering behind a ledge on the first floor, imagining what seemed like the appearance of the building, a nice suburban house. It's furnishing seemed simple, barely anything grand with what seemed like cute flowers and car stickers laid across the walls. Filled with what seemed like scribbled drawings of their family. Hardly recognisable but easy to spot.

"My darling, can you come here a second?"

She frowned upon the suggestion, wandering slowly to the dining table where two hulking men in black suits grabbed her, instantly freaking her out as she is placed upon a black armoured truck like a prisoner. She tries to scramble free from their reach, almost making it to the doors as an injection is slammed painfully onto her back. Her movement slowing and her emotion calming. Staring out at the family as they looked on to wave goodbye. Confusing Sylvie who finally managed to get herself out of her listless body, laying by the armed doors with impunity as the truck attempts slowly drives off.

Behind them by the door amongst a milky reflection was what seemed like a boy similar to Victor with short hair amongst others. His face grumpier than the dark sky cover him, hiding from what seemed like jealousy, angry at her parent's disinterest as the door is slammed shut to an unknown fate.

"She is after all going to be fine right?"

Her mother looked at the man with curiosity. Her face still rather fearful for her child's safety. Her glasses and messy short hair, still rather stumbled at her decision as what seemed like a large suitcase of cash was given to her willingly, his father peering towards the bag and back at her now missing daughter. His forehead filled with wrinkles despite looking to be in his 40s, barely making him look older than usual. Especially with what seemed like a moustache by his lip that looked like a mop. Shamefully hiding his face away from the men despite the men and their 'comforting' voice.

"Yes. Just send some letters, she would definitely appreciate it."


She is jolted awake, surrounded by what was Hanson and Shao Lin. Both of whom battered and terrified, hiding away the arm Shao Lin lost. Now left with some dark ash and bones that hardly stuck onto her body. Despite the injuries sustained, they seemed unfazed, worried at the girl whose emotions were let loose.

"Yes... I'm fine..." she staggers a little, carefully getting herself up with Hanson's assistance as she continued, "I-Is everything... fine?"

"Yes. Half of the stolen goods were somehow all left here. So technically we managed to achieve the objective? I guess..." Hanson looked at her, shrugging his arms amongst the crowd of soldiers who scrambled to what seemed like an empty hangar which had been dug upon the mountain, creating what seemed like a big hole probably from the outside, leaving what little remained of the large mountain once filled with trees with impressive rays of the afternoon. Inside, an entire base had been secured upon to the end of the tarmac which she couldn't see amongst the large men and women, although based off the large aircraft in the base, the mountain must be huge. He turns back, looking back at Shao Lin, still uncomfortable from her wounds and rather freaked out upon a few taps of the finger from Guy. Jumping her from her spot amongst curious soldiers and staff.

"But even then, they are still at large. So we must be cautious. The amount of treasury we found here should be able to help assist in the rebuilding of Sector A and give back to the original owners for preservation. " He looks at the rather glad group, still listless amongst Leroy who had just arrived, still rather skimpy from his lack of change in his swimming attire. Although he didn't seemed bothered despite his large stomach sticking out like a sore thumb.

"So we are out of probation?"

"No not yet, you still have like got a long way to go, you guys only managed to deal with 1/5 of the fine." He looks at the rather upset Leroy, unamused and starting to get cold, covering his mouth under a huge sneeze with mucus oozing out of his hand, disgusting Shao Lin who stood away.

"Sorry about that... I'll be heading to deal with my stuff first alright?" He looks back, watching Leroy scamper away like a rat stealing food, watching his careful step of debris. Their supervisor looked at the man, shaking his head lightly. Seemingly hiding his disappointment but still glad of his work, continuing his speech under the dim lights which remained,

"But you guys did a fantastic job. Their main hideout had been compromised, his plan of staying here is in pieces. In the meantime, our agents would try and find his other base, so rest well." He pats Sylvie on the shoulder as he leaves into the crowd. Still nonchalant about the missing assets amongst a murmuring Hanson and Shao Lin who head towards the tarmac, waving their goodbyes for now. She frowned, looking back at the supervisor. His posture seemed to be uncaring, as if they deserved to be treated like those criminals... and then there was Victor. She gulped, biting her tongue at the thought. Still unable to understand herself.

"What did he mean..."