
One Year Later

Oflip, Gunhild, Former Location of Sector A

Berkin Highway

"This is breaking news! On the latest stories, King Ambriosas has step down from power. Some speculated that the massive scrutiny he got from the Black Hole Conflict one year ago has costed his position of power in Lavitias. Although recent interviews with politicians of power has said otherwise. In his place, Queen Gamerius is claimed to be taking over the position of leader. On to other news, Earth is joining the Galactic Federation of United Galaxies next week in a move that garnered scrutiny due to the recent Black Hole Conflict. More news coming up shortly at 12 noon-."

Verda pressed the touch screen, deactivating the radio. Tired from the constant ramblings of the female news anchor that covered on that one conflict for over a year. She slouched back onto her seat, frustrated by her hazy future. Everyone's thinking of society had been destroyed after the reveal of The Association antics to the public online. The control of society was far too painful to ignore. Governments worldwide were in scrutiny, companies quickly called out for their association with the infamous organisation. Many men and women have been arrested since. No nation was spared. Riots and civil wars began to happen worldwide, brother against brother. All of whom questioning the meaning of the world they live in. All because of the event now known by everyone as the Black Hole Incident.

Despite this, the United Union have proven to be strong even without their puppeteers. Asserting themselves as a governing body nations can trust by defusing the historic situation. The Light of Men have also been commended for leading and defending earth in times of crisis. Shane and her team were hailed heroes. But even the history of their experimentation were too much to bear once the gates were opened.

Many had been heavily compensated as a result. The free healthcare and re-education schemes were nice. Despite not given such benefits, she knew they won't be bother with such gifts. Much of the planet have problems they need to help solve with the people. She looks outside, watching society rebuilding itself in the rising sun. Cranes carried modified concrete powder to seal the gaps of the once flattened streets. Ingenuine with the resource shortage around the planet.

Newly created jobs had been popping left and right. A joyous gift which left the masses overjoyed with a chance to leave poverty and climb the ladder again for once. Oflip has been reunited. The sector separation at an end after deliberation. People once separated now together and able to move freely without the border guards that once laid. Although as she sees the improvement being made, uncertainty still remained amongst the populace. All of these changes have not eradicated the main fundamental problems of racism and tradition. It is only time before nations start to forget the past and fight each other again.

"Verda what are you thinking about?"

She looks back at Atsuki, leaving Jensen lying by her arms in his sleep. Her adopted child had features so similar to Victor. Seemingly filled with the cold emotions obtained from his father. Something that she hope was just features and not behavioral. Although in his eyes was a warmth, a light in their darkness. Something she wished would comfort Victor, still conformed to his cell. Awaiting the verdict if he should be given a chance of parole after all he had done for The Light of Men. A mistake still unforgiven by his sister. Hardly seen by the public eye since she vanished from the end of the battle.

"Nothing, just dreaming ."

She sighs, looking at Jane by the driver seat, rather relaxed. Simply glad that she isn't alone most of the time. To sit side by side as an ordinary citizen to the airport as friends with a super was nothing short of a wet dream for individuals fanatic of their abilities. Still trudging along the harshness for a single signature that hardly mattered. She looks at her rear-view mirror, unable to help her sadness. Despite the organisation's appeal to stay, Hanson had decided to retire early and leave for Switzerland. It felt weird after the incredible amount of pay they obtained. But the appeal to rest and find his lost family was irresistible even to her.

She looks back to the road, spotting the airport that stood in place over a century ago. Ques-Baltimoore International Airport. It seemed to be in the midst of refurbishment after the recent abandonment from the massive violence that occurred over a year ago. It's striking metal curvature over the open windows which laid easily seen from the construction workers that attempted to clean it. Covering the old 1960s styled architecture within. Ahead of her, few people were seen. Hardly any leaving to the departure terminal that laid. Perhaps they were too busy trying to work well enough to travel. But she couldn't be bothered with such thoughts.

"You have arrived at your destination."

The mundane female voice rang through the Audi which slowed, watching itself in the traffic and stopping by the departure halls. She hops out of the car as she sees Verda interact with Hanson, hastily placing down his luggage. Seemingly eager to help him. Although he seemed rather disinterested. Wishing to see his old home after being provided his new citizenship.

"Man it feels sad that you are going so soon, I only knew you for like a year..."

Verda bit between her lips, looking away from his chill gaze. Hating to admit his handsomeness despite his lack of gentlemanliness. Watching Atsuki bring her adopted son out. Still sleeping soundly in the cold harsh sunshine.

"Look, you guys have my contacts. It isn't so bad you know? I may return to Oflip in the future. It's not all so bad you know?"

He shrugs at the trio as he released his luggage handle. The look on his face extremely weird and awkward without his top hat and usual outfit. Despite his absence though, he still seemed eager to make a change.

"Yes it's not all bad, but we are still rather worried for your safety. So as one of two surviving teammate from Team Six, as Unholy Wings, please stay safe. It is all that matters."

Atsuki looks at him, concerned for his safety. Admiring the gentle breeze which rarely occured in the climate catastrophe. Hanson gave a warm smile, responding softly, hopeful he didn't disturb Jensen in his sleep.

"Look I can take care of myself," he pats on her shoulder as he continued, "If there is any problem, you can call me. I'm always here even though I'm far from you guys."

"You know, as someone who is called Hanson, you don't seem to be handsome or nice." Atsuki spoke back. Looking at the man as she bit her teeth. Hiding her emotions as he smiled.

"You know, as a mother, your lack of dignity startles me," he looks back at Atsuki who chuckled away from view, grinning at his statement. He looks at his watch, continuing his talk with a raised eyebrow, "Looks like my time is up! Take of yourselves! It's nice having you guys as friends!"

He grabs the handle and bows gracefully with his hat, turning around and wandering into the terminal with a wave. Gazing at the group who waved back, looking at him for what seemed like the last time as he enter the revolving doors and into the warms arms of destiny. A new start afresh.

"So now what?"

Jane looks at Atsuki, watching her gaze at her adopted child who continued to snore loudly, hiding his traumatic experience once sealed in the orphanage. Taken out of pity from his missing parents lost when the alien invaders pummeled their home in their desperate escape.

"How about breakfast? It's like nine in the morning. I'm starving for a meal."

She giggled as Verda rolled her eyes, smiling back at Jane who shrugged. Looking away at her car which gazed away, grumpy from it's job at hand. It's colour still tainted by the dirt commonplace in the rebuild project across the globe.

"Didn't you eat earlier?"

Verda looked at Atsuki who looks back at her, wandering to the backseat as she looks at her sheepishly like a child.

"Come on! It's the weekend! It's tiring to constantly exercise everyday you know?"

She shrugged, hiding back into the car as Verda sighs, shaking her head and smiling in disappointment.

"Oh Atsuki..."