Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. The one place little cared for, ignored by many but forgotten by all at the end of the century. He heard from the books how it used to be the least populated town in Russia. But that figure had gone to nought after rising sea levels presented a massive danger to its' residents. The only thing that remained were deteriorating buildings, abandoned rusting cars and tall overgrown weeds. All blending into nature as if it they had insulted the laws of nature and are paying the price for it. A place that was unsurprisingly perfect for their operations. The perfect place for a hideout and guerrilla warfare.
For The Faction, it seemed to them that it was a guess that seemed all too ridiculous. The odds that had been stacked is too high. But the only thing that they could understand was the absurdity of power that seemed far too fictitious to understand. A power they lacked until now. If that was what was left in their inventories. He slouches in the slimy bubble, ignoring the five others stuck in the same bubble. All attempting to ignore one another from the fiasco that ruined the mood. Focused on the task at hand. Though as he looks at Sylvie and Derek, they seemed less inclined on the battle with her inclined more of the mystery and him worried for his safety. Still wondering how he got into such a stupid situation.
He checks his cane. Still shiny from it's cleaning earlier before he set off. Hiding his mindless crisis of forceful arrest or pacifistic restraint of his enemies. Burning in his heart with cold sweat. Remembering the faces of those men by the mansion was far too hard to forget. Their faces an evident swell of fear and terror unlike the angry mob of thugs he had seen. As if they had been forced to fight under the circumstances they were in. Was he missing a piece in the puzzle?
"Come on now... gotta focus... the fun comes after..."
He exhaled quietly, looking across to see Leroy and Victor in their mechs. Assisting Atsuki in their mechs despite her complaints of shouting and waving, much of which went unanswered in the howling moody sky. One still struggling for control despite the countless practice lessons he faced. The other in an existential crisis with a rather familiar face.
He still could not understand what Sylvie meant, her unhinged rage still consuming the small sticky bubble. Unable to overlook her twitching face, breathing heavily upon her shaking palms that uneased everyone. However, it seemed strange for Victor to keep quiet lately for someone so lively. He peers back to Victor's mech. It's face peering back at him with contempt. Seemingly annoyed at the exchange.
"There seems to be a huge artificial barrier to the north-east of that mountain. Possibly an optical illusion to hide their headquarters. Maybe a man-made cave nearby with a runway and hangar to boot. Victor and I will be dealing with the two monstrous mechs. The rest should find their boss! We can't afford to lose the trust of someone in purgatory."
He checks his controls, identifying the targets into their phones and navigation screens. thankful for the short time he had to train in his machine. Not only had the machine been repaired, but it's sloppy battle data had created an even better machine. All suited to his liking of technological advancement and Chainsaws. Weapons that barely passed the multiple treaties and made to look like the machine that came before. The plans are set. Though he wonders for the man in the casket would stab them in the back like everyone else.
He was glad he modified the bombs with traceable materials. Finding their targets was no easy feat. Though he still wished he could use his armoured suits instead. The lack of contact and control of his limbs had been far too annoying to ignore. Despite this, the responsibility was still his to care for. Even if he is still far too inexperienced to use.
The alarms blared across the cockpit, flashing the bright warnings on his virtual cockpit. He turns to his radar, a circular visual of red dots and warnings. Once an empty space, now filled with two red dots that diluted the green space. Appearing from the direction of the visual apparition. He looks up, spotting the two black shapes within the moody skies. Still attempting to hide despite the odd shapes that exposed them like a sore thumb.
"They are here..."
He immediately fired his rifle, trying his best to stabilize his other hand as he shot into the moody sky, noticing the giant mech transformed to catch it with it's bare hands. It's deadpan face full of disappointment and predictability. Left with not even a scratch on it's palms. The repaired robot roamed. Showcasing the large size of it's visual terror. Behind it, the Cthulhu watched, staring back at him with equal chagrin.
"I still remember you. My robot is annoyed! It had been hoping this time to have a proper match but it seems to me that you are still a small fry, Hacksaw. I'll deal with the other mech. For your information, you are not worthy to face me."
The mech looked away, turning his attention and charged towards the Attec Speeder, trying it's best to slash the machine with equal ferocity. Victor violently nudged the controls, moving back with haste, attempting to grab his superheated katanas from it's waist. Dual wielding his opponent in a fiery display. Lighting up the skies.
He could tell despite the tensions, the AI, Eddy had not been stagnant. The response time had been noticeably faster. Moving at speeds it usually won't be able to do. Quick to the point he could see multiple afterimages that continuously hurt it's chances of getting any close. His movement had also improved, less clunky with it's robotic functions and more quick. Moving as if it is Eddy himself still annoyingly assisted by his rival that killed him that day. If it was really him...
He turns his concentration back to his opponent. Hasty and visibly frustrated from her previous encounter. Attempting to seize Nemo and her occupants from his hands as she pulled the slimy blob. An action which irritated her.
"How dare you humiliate me. Now you shall pay!"
She pulled forcefully. Watching the occupants inside toss and turn in a sick twist of fate. Hardly enjoying their experience. He flicks out his arm, grabbing her attention as she tried to halt his arm. Eager to prove herself. She smirked, watching his predictable moves. Only to watch in horror at the weapon on the screen. Hidden with the clouds and his rebuilt arm, a chainsaw. An early checkmate.
"Excuse me! We are busy here! I'll deal with you when this nonsense is dealt with!"
He tears off the arm, nudging her mech aside amongst flying bits of armour that shielded it's head. Stomp on the gas in a charge into the visual apparition. Ignoring the screaming woman who struggled to get back on her feet quickly and the aliens who attempted to seize their moment. The mech quickly transformed back into a giant head and charged onward. Scrambling back to speed. But she had been too slow.
He fires a missile, careful of it's boundaries as it phased through the apparition, watching for any signs of physical objects within the apparition. Wary of it's heat signal disruptions. Speeding through the large runway that seemed to dawn throughout the inside of the mountain. On the tarmac, the stolen mechs from the US and Oflip laid oppressive fire, attempting to lay oppressive fire to allow their jets to move. But they didn't have a chance. Only able to watch their arms be cut apart. Left with nothing but machines on limbo. Barely holding up and on the verge of bursting into flames.
He puts them down safely, watching them silently slosh out of the bubble. Trying not to puke from the violent movements of his mech. Still rather hasty and uncomfortably in hot sweat unlike Nemo who seemed to be in pain from what she did. Though he wondered if it was due to the five occupants inside her instead. Nevertheless, he could only watch as they make a dash through the large complex with men and women hot on their heels.
"Good luck!"