"Is everyone in?"
Alfred gazes upon the screen filled with multiple figures abroad. The dark room hardly hiding the fact that the building was trembling from attacks. Their blurry faces hiding the flustered situation that had developed worldwide. It was often to have disdain and disappointment fill the meetings since the creation of The Light of Men. Except it was now shared by everyone.
He could tell the ongoing events had been far too infuriating. Such an unpredictable double edged sword should have been shelved. No nation on the planet had been at peace. Sure, they may have driven away huge attacks such as that cannon. But no amount of compensation in their duty can fix the broken homes and destroyed scenery left in their wake. He could tell that they treated them less as heroes and more of liabilities.
"Now then, with the passing of Guy Nammer, I would act as the correspondent for Oflip as well as your judge as part of the requirements set by the United Union. I understand this is awkward, but due to the events that are playing out worldwide. This is the best that I can do. So I hope you understand."
"This is the most messy situation I have ever seen. Why should we trust you after all that had happened?"
The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom spoke into the mike, his voice coarse amongst the quiet sounds of rockets and bullets firing behind the walls. It was clear he had yet to evacuate unlike the staff in the building. Still perspiring with determination despite the odds with a large grin and a handkerchief by his palm. His brown brushed hair was rather messy. Hardly the look he was going despite his formal attire.
"Mr. Lance Tinsley, you may remember me from your previous meetings. Let me assure you right now one thing. This government is hardly the government it once was. Everything has already changed, sure we do not have an official representative in the United Union at the moment, but this nation runs fine. My nation has been through thick and thin for both sides to settle their differences. Even if we lost everything in the end. Now it is just whether you and your men can trust me as a whole."
Alfred gave out a small glare back at the Prime Minister. Hardly obvious to the untrained eye, but it was enough for the prime minister to notice. He always remembered how whenever he was the representative in the meeting he would fire back, however this time he seemed quiet. Far too quiet and far too unkind with that death glare of his. Desperate perhaps. He sighed as he gave a subtle nod, allowing the tense, short meeting to continue.
"Ok. Lets make this short considering our predicament right now. This meeting is regarding the elephant in the room. What is the status of every nation right now?"
"Bad. Very bad. A huge push is happening on the South China Sea. As the representative of China, I fear the resources we have right now may be inadequate."
The Chinese Prime Minister sighed, hiding his face of fear beneath his wrinkles as the US Vice President added in his own words. Stepping in while his boss was being evacuated to a safer location. His face rather chubby yet stoic, unfazed by the madness.
"It is nasty here as well. Another force is also pushing towards California and Oregon. Based of my sources, both states may fall in less than a week if the situation continues."
"Right. I believe it is the same for all nations. As you can tell, time is not on our side here. I recommend for all nations to please ignore the hostilities each of your nations have and unite under one force. Not as nations but as allies. This is bigger that the racial issues or the economic standoffs we usually have right now. Besides, it is not beneficial nor profitable to anyone at all to continue their hostilities. Is that ok with everyone?"
Alfred watched silently, ignoring the camera directly at his face. Quietly listening to the loud beeps of vote which appeared on the screens. He knows the trust had been lost a long time ago, however, he is hopeful for a peaceful resolution. An end to this nonsense. That was why he joined The Light of Men after all. As he opened his eyes, he watched the votes carefully. All of which pointed to a 'Yes'.
"So that settles it, please get the hotlines to every nation ready. Communications is key after all. Meeting adjourned."
He breathed a sigh of relief, shutting down the computer. Leaving with relief that everyone came to an agreement. He looked at the corridors, nothing but the definition of pandemonium. No soldier or worker were resting. Just the barking of orders and the scuffling of feet. The unexpected defence had been a huge saving grace for The Light of Men. Though he is clueless as to where the defence came from. He had asked around and yet no one had claimed responsibility. Was there something he is missing?
He stormed into the communication room, still swarming with men and women communicating on the battle below. Many of the soldiers and heroes have already responded. All their hands tied on the stiff goal of evacuation. Time they hardly have.
"Quickly communicate to all right now that all nations have joined forces! The only enemy they have to truly focus is on is the extra-terrestrial species! If possible, prepare further talks between them once again. We will not fail on this again!"
He yelled into the room as they responded in unison. Rushing to relay the messages across the world. He quickly leaves, rushing towards the lift when four soldiers wandered up to him. Both hastily armed and confused.
"Sir, where are you going? As leader, you are recommended to stay in the safety of this tower."
"Yes, as leader, it is important that I would be safe from harm. However I must ensure that everyone has been evacuated safely. Not everywhere is safe to escape." He looks at his car keys as the men budged in.
"Sir then let us come with you! You shouldn't be fighting those battles alone!" They looked at him with enthusiasm and vigour. It seemed to him that they had waited too long to fight. To taste glory once again.
"Sure, bring your radios along and some firepower." He nodded with approval as he is escorted into the parking garage. The men stammered with delight. Stoic and glad to be of service to someone highly respected. Although as the quaint but basic lift ticked closer to the basement. He could only wonder about the fate of what was once his team. His assets. The country's hope.
The spear into the future.