The Night Shift (2)

"Well Sam, my shift is over in about an hour. And I don't really have the patience for the back and forth routine." I raise my hand motioning with my hand for her to show me what's in the bag. I mean at this point I really don't have to look to know what it is but you never call it out because who wants to be that idiot that calls out something to only be wrong. I may not be the smartest but I've seen enough tv to know not to jump the gun. Plus it's a college kid most likely she'll have some alcohol and weed. If it isn't much I'd rather just send her home with it then fill out papers. cause like come on who likes to write stuff out? This is one of the key behind my role as a guard and not as a student. I've always been the do the bare minimum so you look like your doing something, without doing shit kind of guy. It's worked so far so why stop now. But before I could decide on my simple solution. Sam tosses the bag off her shoulder onto the floor. "Go ahead, asshole." Sam says glaring at me with her arms crossed. If only she was chewing gum with that unrealistically big bubble. It would really compliment the mean girl vibe she has going for herself. Anyways not to get distracted I reach towards the bag to pull it towards me.

As soon as I reach for the bag. I just barely get ahold of the handles before Sam suddenly shoved me to the floor and bolts down the stairs. I honestly expected this outcome but I was too distracted by the sound of this girl tripping over herself in her struggle down the stairs to react. The dumb girl had just assaulted me but I couldn't help but laugh at the irony of her grand getaway. Almost forgetting my job for a minute. I pull myself together and stand up. Not forgetting to pick up the bag I cautiously make my way down the steps. Turning towards the last set of stairs down to the bottom floor the only thing I can see is Sam holding her ankle glaring at it like it had betrayed her. It was comical really. With such a boring night of watching flies in a glorious "Security room" this was far better entertainment. "Okay Sam right? Why don't you just go home. I just feel bad at this

point." My shift was almost over and I really didn't want to deal with. The headache of trying to sound smarter in a report then my IQ will let me just to seem more professional. I'd rather just let things go and save myself the effort. Sam didn't reply back to me just staring at me I took this as declaration of my victory. In my personally opinion a young girl giving you the silent treatment is a blessing more so then when they actually speak. I shiver in my head at the thought of my cousins ten years younger then me. They don't get any more tolerable with age. It's just my patience that rubs away with time. Kind of like these poorly painted walls. Maybe I should ask the dean if the school could plan a fundraiser to make it easier to look at. That or give me medical cause I can feel my eyes get worse and worse just by being near this play.

I finish getting off the stairs and walk over to Sam to help her up. Her ankle seems to be bothering her but she seems fine enough to get home on her own. I'll just walk her down the hall to the main entrance. There wasn't a babysitter description in the job listing maybe I should ask for a raise for my services. As we are walking towards the entrance I stay behind Sam so I can see if she tries anything. If my mom taught me anything when we went shopping. It's that if you turn away from a woman even for a second you'll be looking for them the rest of the time. I really don't like being a step behind someone it makes me feel like some sort of stalker or a mugger coming up on his victim. But until she is off the school grounds I am liable for her. If only she was better at sneaking a round and I didn't notice her. We approach the entrance and I start to wonder how she even got in without triggering the silent alarm at the entrance. Guess I'll have to check that out on my own no point asking her. I open the door and escort her out of the building waiting for her to leave so that I wouldn't have to hold in my laughter. And really can you blame me?

Imagine someone trying to pull a fast one on you only to eat shit. If that doesn't make you at least grin with satisfaction then you're lying cause as people we all kind of suck. We laugh at others misfortune and that's just how it is. Plain and simple, well after getting back to my office in a hurry I toss the duffle bag onto the metal chair. Take one last look at the CCTVs and get my coat before stepping out the door only to watch the room slowly get swallowed by darkness as the door shut. With the click of the lock followed with my stuffing my keys into my coat pocket I head home. Completely forgetting about the duffle bag sitting in the metal chair.