Liz came to check how Max is doing

~ Seattle, Franciscan Medical Center ~

Liz moved the privacy curtain in the urgent care room and paused at the sight of Max's back while he changed into his regular clothes.

At that moment, Liz regretted her rash decision to come and check on Max, but he said that he does not have anyone to accompany him, and she thought how that is sad. No one should be alone, especially not when they are hurting.

Liz knocked, but no one answered so she just stepped in without thinking that he might be… not dressed.

She didn't see all of it, he was buttoning up his pants when she got there. But his torso is exposed, and she ended up staring at the muscles of his back when he reached for his shirt. She can tell that he is taking care of his body. Liz scolded herself for that fleeting thought. She is a medical worker and should be focusing on the injuries and diseases and not of the physical appearance no matter how handsome the patient is.

Liz was conflicted. If she steps away without saying anything, she will appear like a pervert who came to take a peek (if she is caught). And if she stays here, doesn't that make her a pervert?

Max didn't hear Liz knocking because he is immersed in his thoughts. Such a bad morning. Argument with his father, then a car crash, followed by an annoying woman. In the hospital, the police came and he gave a statement. Luckily one of the officers was a young lady and after she saw his charming smile, she stopped asking about him driving above speed limit.

The doctor in charge told Max that everything seems fine, but the headache might be a sign of a potential head injury and he can't leave by himself, so he had to call someone. His father, mother, and sister are out of the question. His best friend Quentin is out of the town, so he was left with Hunter… his younger brother.

Hunter is five years younger than Max, currently working on his MBA degree while slowly learning about the business. As a second son, Hunter is getting less pressure from parents, but that is only because they expect Max to take over the CEO role from their father.

Max knows that Hunter will probably give him a hard time when he finds out that he totaled the car, but he can be bribed.

Max is aware that he can't hide this incident from his parents completely, but he can at least make it sound less damaging.

Max snorted while buttoning up the sleeves of his shirt. He is known to be always surrounded with people, everyone wants to be with him, but now when he needs someone, he realized that he does not have anyone to call. He can't think of a single person who will not judge him or not take advantage of his predicament. Even if Quentin is here, he would come up with at least three jokes related to this situation and make sure to rub it in frequently.

Liz saw that Max turned around and he paused when his eyes landed on her.

His shirt was still not buttoned up and she could not prevent her eyes from wandering over the sight of his perfect muscles. Liz can only hope that her expression didn't reveal that she found the sight of his toned chest and abdominal muscles… pleasing.

"Oh, it's my girlfriend who only wants a ride.", he said flatly.

"How are you doing?" Liz decided to ignore his unfriendly tone. What can she expect after using his ride with the ambulance van as a way to reach to her interview on time?

Max's impulse was to make a snarky remark, but his mood is low and seeing that she is not attacking him, he was unable to be hostile. But that does not mean he will be polite. "I will live. Why are you here?"

"You said that you don't have anyone to come, so I'm here to check on you.", Liz honestly responded.

"How nice of you.", Max's sarcasm was impossible to miss.

Liz realized that he does not believe her. She scolded herself internally. Why did she come here? What was she expecting? That he will be glad to see her concern for him?

"I… I'm sorry to intrude. You seem to be fine." She turned to walk out.

"Wait…", Max called her to stop, but he was not sure why. He felt guilt creep on him when he saw the disappointment in her eyes. Was she hurt because he is rude? Who would not be hurt? He exhaled. "Thank you for stopping by."

Liz saw his chart on the side, and the words 'head injury' are highlighted. She knows that means how he can't leave by himself, or he should stay in the hospital 24 hours for observation.

She turned to him reluctantly. "If you don't want to stay in the hospital, I can help with your discharge and to drop you off home. But you should not be by yourself in the next 24 hours."

Max was surprised that she seems… nice. But why would she help him? Is this another scheme to get under his skin? He told himself not to lower his guard. He already burned himself when he assumed that she is interested in him only to be used as a means of transportation.

Max was not sure if he is more upset because she used him or because his charms didn't work on her.

"I've got that covered.", he responded curtly.

"Oh…", suddenly Liz felt awkward. She came here with an assumption that he is by himself. And now… she is just intruding. She even looked at his hospital chart which should be kept private! How embarrassing. Very unprofessional.

"Sorry. I assumed that you don't have anyone to call.", she said while walking backward to the exit door.

"Bye.", she mumbled and walked out in a hurry.

"Ow!", Liz exclaimed when she bumped into Hunter who was about to enter Max's room.

"I'm sorry.", she smiled apologetically.

"No worries… just watch where you are going.", he responded with a charming smile. Good looks and a charming smile run in the family.

Liz nodded awkwardly and left without a word.

"I thought you are alone.", Hunter said derisively to Max when he got inside.

Hunter saw Liz coming out of that room. And she was all flustered. What exactly did those two do in the room? By themselves? Knowing his brother, nothing good.

Max frowned. "I am alone."

"Alone? Who is that bird who just came out of the room? Did you already forget about your hookup?"

Max realized that Hunter is talking about Liz. He shook his head. "She is not a bird. There was no hookup."

"Really? I don't believe that my big brother failed to charm a young lady.", Hunter was unable to hide his surprise mixed with mockery.

Max wanted to say that there was no 'charming of a lady' involved, but then he remembered that in the ambulance he tried to get Liz's attention, unsuccessfully. In fact, he failed so miserably that she didn't even tell him her name. But there is no way he is going to admit that to his brother.

"Believe what you want. She is different." Max didn't want to talk about Liz anymore.

Looking at the time, Max saw that it's almost noon. He sighed at the thought that he needs to call his father and explain why he is not at work. Then he needs to see if his car can be fixed or he needs to get a new one. So many things, and he still has a headache. The only thing that can help with all this is a night out. Luckily, Quentin should be back in town by then. Maybe they can go and hit a club…?

Hunter saw Max's troubled expression and raised his eyebrows in surprise. Is he upset because that girl left? And he called her different? Did his brother who changes girlfriends so often that he can't remember their names call a girl… different?


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