Max meets Olivia

Hunter found Max in the living room.

An action movie is playing on the TV but Hunter can see that Max is not paying attention because his gaze is directed somewhere above the TV screen.

There is a half-finished bottle of whiskey on the table.

"Drinking alone?", Hunter's voice startled Max.

Max didn't hear him come in.

"Why are you here?", Max grumbled. Hunter's smug expression rubbed him in the wrong way.

Hunter ignored Max's bad mood and sat next to him on the sofa.

Max craned his neck to look toward the kitchen over the dining table and then he looked at Hunter's hands.

Hunter didn't miss that Max looks like he is searching for something. He lifted his hands, palms up, to show to Max that they are empty. "Was I supposed to bring something?"

"You asked me about the number for that Asian place. Since you are here, I thought you will bring food.", Max explained.

Hunter stifled a laugh. "Sorry. Something came up. Rina sent me to check on you."

Max frowned at the mention of their sister. "Check on me?"

"Yeah. Not going to work is fine. But not going to parties is worrisome." Hunter paused while observing Max's expression carefully.

Max was not sure how to respond to the question: why is he not going to parties? He never thought much about the girls, as long as they look OK, he will roll with it. But something changed recently. Since that evening at the Black Rose nightclub, Max realized that he wants to talk with them as well... and that their giggles without a reason are irritating.

"Trouble with your girlfriend?"

At Hunter's question, Max's face stiffened for a moment before he denied it. "What problems? I'm not going to parties because I'm spending my time with her."

Hunter glanced around. "Am I intruding on your time with your girlfriend? Is she in the restroom?"

"She was here earlier. She works in the hospital, night shift.", Max already worked out different scenarios. He is ready for any questioning coming his way.

"I see." Hunter is admiring his brother for his ability to lie with such a straight face. At the same time, he is raging at the thought that Max is deceiving him. Why is he not telling him the truth?

Hunter decided to ask more: "I am curious… How did you two meet?"

Max frowned while thinking, why is Hunter asking about his non-existing girlfriend suddenly? Well, the best defense is offense: "You came to check on me, and you did. I'm fine. You came at dinner time with no food. What is with this questioning?"

Hunter's frown matched Max's. "Are you chasing me away?"

"Yes! I am tired and I want to sleep.", Max cradled the empty glass in his palms while looking at the TV and pretending that Hunter is not there.

Hunter stood up, unhappy that his brother is so rude. What's with the attitude? Hunter looked at Max and thought, what would he say if he knew that Liz is right across the hall? Should he just expose him for lying about having a girlfriend? That would be too simple. He got an idea.

"Do you have lunch plans for tomorrow?"

Max looked at Hunter suspiciously. "Are you taking me out for lunch? Is there a catch?"

"No catch. Allow me to make up for coming empty handed now."

"Sounds good." Max smirked. He saw Hunter walk out and yelled after him: "Don't back off at the last minute! If you leave me hungry again, I will not forgive you!"

"Don't worry!", Hunter said before closing the door behind him.

An evil smirk creeped on Hunter's face. Oh, how he will enjoy tomorrow's lunch. At the same time, he will clarify the whole neighbor misunderstanding to Liz.

The next morning…

Olivia is a 23 year old art student with a bubbly personality, Elizabeth's friend-for-hire (aka housekeeper). Her short blonde hair with pink streaks shows that she does not mind attracting attention.

Olivia got in the building at asked the receptionist (Joshua): "Is Miss Williams in the apartment 31A?"

Joshua smiled at the Olivia who is wearing a short summer dress with purple flowers and matching purple tights paired up with yellow running shoes. Her eccentric outfit is as unique as her hair.

"Just a minute.", Joshua responded.

She saw him reach for the phone and stopped him: "No need to call her. She is expecting me, and I can let myself in. I just want to make sure that I'm in the right building."

Joshua smiled politely. "It's the building's policy that unless you are a tenant, I need to announce you. If you want to go up without an announcement, Miss Williams will need to approve that beforehand."

Olivia made a face while thinking how this must be a fancy building if it has such security measures.

Joshua spoke with Liz and showed Olivia where the elevators are.

She hopped toward the elevator and pressed 31.

On the second floor, the elevator stopped, the door opened… and Olivia's heart stopped.

She took in few rapid short breaths while staring at Max who was returning after his exercise in the gym on the second floor. His shirt stuck to his sweaty body, showing off his toned physique and that towel around his neck looked like a latest must-have accessory which every manly-man needs to have.

Max glanced at Olivia, acknowledging her presence for a split second before extending his arm toward the panel for the floor selection.

His hand paused when he saw that '31' is the only one selected, and he turned to look at her.

Max gave her a lookover from top to bottom before his lips stretched into a charming smile. "You are going to 31A?"

Olivia found that her throat is constricted while her mind exploded. 'Oh. My. God!' She recognizes this guy from the magazines and social media… that is THE Maximilian Anderson!

It took her a moment to respond with a weak voice: "You are going to 31 also?"

Max saw that Olivia is staring at him, and he does not mind. He is used to it. And it feels good. Always.

"I am your neighbor.", he extended his hand.

Olivia weakly shook his hand and was embarrassed that her whole arm is limp and non-responsive.

Their hands touched and she forgot to breathe. Olivia felt that her cheeks are burning from the excitement of just being close to this man. Is she about to pass out?

'Neighbor? Did he say that he is my neighbor? Oh, he is Liz's neighbor! This must be the best job ever! I get to come to the place which is right next to Max freaking Anderson! I need to ask for an autograph… or a photo! No one will believe me that I'm working next door to the most popular guy in Seattle!'

"Are you coming out?", Max's deep voice pulled Olivia out of her daze, but his super-charming smile put her back in a daze at the next moment.

She didn't realize that the elevator door is open. They reached 31st floor. Why was the ride so short?

Olivia robotically came out, and she found it impossible to punch in the door code right. Her brain was not working, and her hands refused to cooperate as well. Why are her fingers made from jelly?

A deep knee-shaking voice came from behind her: "I will see you later".

Olivia heard the door closing.

Ah, he left! She forgot to ask for an autograph, or a photo… Well, she will ask the next time because he said that he will see her later. She giggled before falling into a daze again.


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