The Black Rose nightclub (3)

Brianna pursed her lips and looked at the ceiling while thinking how to answer Quentin's question: Are they hitting it off well? Her eyes moved over Liz who was watching them with unfocused eyes, and Max who was snickering at Quentin's current situation. Brianna was satisfied to see that at least Max is paying attention.

"I'm not so sure…", she said after a long pause. "I mean… I like you. You are cute, and I'm having a great time with you. But I feel like I'm on a display for all these people to know that tonight you are making your move on me. Even if I am super-interested, my pride as a woman will not allow me to give in. Not with all those exes and who knows else watching."

Quentin felt panic swell inside him at Brianna's words. "Those women are not important. I don't even know their names!"

Brianna sighed. "Can you try to see the situation from my point of view? As much as people talk about gender equality, talking about it and living it are two different things. It is undeniable that men and women are NOT equal, especially when we talk about relationships. Your image can make or break you. And as much as you are ignoring or maybe even enjoying your current reputation of a playboy, when you meet someone who counts, that reputation will come to bite you when you least expect it. Because the person who counts is the one with whom you want to be long-term. Assuming that I am interested in a relationship you… How do I know that you will call me tomorrow? And even if you call me daily for a month, I don't want people to think that I'm an easy picking just because they see me with you. Do you get it?"

Max glanced toward Liz who is leaning on his arm and then toward the dancefloor. He frowned when he saw few familiar faces looking his way. Is that his reputation coming to bite him? He wanted to leave, and to take Liz with him. But how can he do that?

Quentin looked at Brianna while trying to make sense of her words. She said a lot, and he didn't get most of it, but there is one part that stuck out for him… "You are interested in a relationship me?"

Brianna's eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "Did you hear anything I said so far?"

Brianna turned to Liz. "What do you think? Is there any hope for this guy, or is he the same as all the other ones?"

Quentin frowned while thinking: what does she mean by 'the same as the other ones'?

Liz was caught unprepared. She did her best to focus on answering, but her brain had a five minute delay. "Why are you asking me?"

Liz's head was leaning on Max's arm. The two of them looked cozy, slumped in the booth. She straightened up, but after a second, her body moved sideways again, and her head leaned back on him.

"I'm asking you as a fellow female. I would usually ask Mia, but she is out there dancing with a guy…", Brianna said dejectedly.

Liz narrowed her eyes while focusing mightily on her brain to come up with an answer, but nothing came to her mind other than… "And what would Mia usually say?"

Brianna rolled her eyes. "You know Mia… she thinks that she can read lips."

Liz widened her eyes and burst into giggles. She does not remember when was the last time that she drank this much. It is fun to let loose sometimes.

Quentin frowned at this reaction, and so did Max.

"What does that mean?", Max asked Liz.

"Read lips?", Liz asked Max. She saw him nod and crooked her finger, calling him to lean toward her. She spoke softly, close to his ear: "Mia believes that it's all in the kiss."

Max took a second to process this information. Mia can judge if the guy is special based on his kiss? Max wondered if the same goes for Elizabeth. He looked at her and was surprised to see that Liz is staring in front with shock apparent on her face.

Few seconds ago…

Quentin heard Max ask Liz for clarification what 'read lips' means. He felt two warm palms cupping his cheeks and pulling his head and the next thing he knows, velvety lips covered his and a gentle sweet perfume filled his nostrils. A second later, Brianna deepened the kiss and her tongue flicked his in inexplainable ways, making his soul tremble and world turn upside down while flavor of wine mixed with magic spread though his body. He grabbed the table firmly to prevent from collapsing, and he was not sure if he is breathing… he was not sure of anything other than Brianna is kissing him! And she is beyond amazing!

And just like that… it was over.

Brianna licked her lips slowly while thinking about something deeply. She looked at Liz with disappointment obvious on her face. "It's a six."

"Oh…", Liz was disappointed as well.

Quentin inhaled sharply. "What is a six?"

"The kiss.", Brianna said with a straight face. "On a scale from one to ten, you are a six."

Quentin felt his pride exploding. "A six?! This demands a re-do."

He leaned closer to Brianna, ready to kiss her and she placed her index finger over his lips preventing whatever he wanted to do. "To get a second kiss, you need to be at least an eight. You don't qualify."

Max saw color drain from Quentin's face and he burst into a hearty laugh.

Liz waved to Brianna to get her attention. "Bri, how can you expect him to give you more than a six when his heart is not into it?", Liz slurred slightly due to alcohol, but everyone understood what she is saying. "You know that only Max can get more than a six!"

Max's laugh stopped abruptly. He looked at Liz in disbelief. "Why are you dragging me into this?"

Liz narrowed her eyes at Max suspiciously. "Are you going to deny it? I heard you begging him… you were panting when you said, 'give it to me' … Hehehe…", Liz snickered and hugged Max's arm to keep him in place so that she can lean her head on his shoulder.

Max's face darkened. It seems that when Liz drinks, she says whatever is on her mind. And right now, on her mind is that he is in relationship with Quentin!

"You drank too much." Max told Liz, sounding like a strict parent. He turned to Brianna. "I'm taking her home. You girls can manage, right?"

Brianna waved him goodbye. "Don't worry about us. We came with a cab, and we have the passcode to get into her place."

Max stood up and Brianna tugged his sleeve. "This is the most I will do for you. Take care of Liz."

Max smiled. "Thanks. I will."

Quentin watched Max and Liz as they left the booth and disappeared toward the exit and last minute was on replay in his head… his fiery Goddess dissed his kissing skills, Elizabeth said that he can do his best kiss only with Max, and she even implied that Max and he are 'giving it to each other'!!!

Brianna turned to Quentin and saw that he is not looking well. "Are you OK?"

"You don't believe that I am gay, do you?"

Brianna burst into giggles. "No, I don't."

Quentin exhaled in relief. He looked toward the dancefloor and the women there and then back at Brianna. "Do you want to go somewhere else?"

Brianna lifted her eyebrows questionably. "Where?"

Quentin shrugged. "Out of this place."

He didn't know where to go, yet. He only knew that he wants to leave this place which is packed with his exes. He needs to take Brianna to some place where he never took a girl before, if he wants to show her that she is special. And if he plays his moves right, he might get a do-over for that kiss and prove that he is more than a six. An eight, at least.

Brianna smiled. "I am hungry. Feed me."

Quentin smiled back. "Sure thing."

"Let me tell Mia."

Brianna moved out of the booth, and Quentin was one step behind her.

"I will come with you…"

He didn't want Brianna to go to the dancefloor to talk to Mia by herself. You never know if someone will try to grope his fiery Goddess. He will protect her... and then he will feed her.


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