Brianna and Quentin (1)

Earlier that afternoon...

During the ride to the planetarium, Quentin kept the window on his side open, and fresh air helped disperse most of his nausea. He regrets only swallowing the food without chewing, but he could not make himself chew most of the things which were on his plate because then he will feel the texture which he can't stand. The squid is rubbery, and the shrimps are like the fatty part of bacon without any taste, and just thinking about it makes him shudder. He does not eat sea creatures, unless it's fish. But he did it for a good cause: to spend more time with Brianna.

With his peripheral vision he can see that Brianna is observing him and he is doing his best to focus on the road in front.

Brianna looked at Quentin's handsome profile and she found that his ink black hair fluttering in the wind is enchanting. Every time he sighed, her heart constricted because she knows that he is unwell due to her taking it to far. She wanted to tease him, to test him in some way, but now she is sorry. Well, she didn't know that he is so much set to spend the afternoon with her that he will make himself sick. In a way, his persistency is admirable, and she will not deny that she is touched.

They were stuck in the traffic for some time due to an accident on I-5. Neither of them minded.

Quentin asked Brianna what she usually does on Saturday afternoon in New York, and he enjoyed her stories how she goes with Mia through various neighborhoods while finding hidden gems like a bookstore which serves coffee and ice-cream and stays open until midnight on weekends, or a community garden which is available for anyone with a condition that you take only what you need. They take photos and videos and blog about it.

When they (finally) reached the planetarium, Quentin was giddy that Brianna is by his side and two tickets for the latest show on distant galaxies are in his hand. Every bite of that horrendous salad was worth it!

A number of high-schoolers entered in front of them, it seems that they have a school assignment related to this topic. There was more than thirty of them! They all swarmed to the front rows, for some reason. Don't they know that the good seats are in the back? Other than them, maybe a dozen other people arrived, filling up less than half of the available seats.

"Where do you want to sit?", Quentin asked Brianna.

The seats are not pre-assigned, so if you want to pick, you need to come early. Today the two of them entered almost last, but there was still plenty of seats to choose from.

"As long as it's in the middle of a row, it will be fine.", Brianna responded.

They found two seats in the middle, second to last row.

All lights went off and it was a complete darkness for few seconds before the show started.

The volume of the narrator and effects were so loud that it made Quentin feel the vibration in his chest. Or maybe that was his restless heart because he is in a fully-reclined seat next to his fiery Goddess, watching the show projected across the domed ceiling.

Well, Bri was watching the show. Quentin was observing her intently.

It was dark with all the lights off, and the show was focused on the Universe. Other than occasional close-up of a star or a cosmic explosion, most of the ceiling was dark as well.

Quentin was focused on Bri's face and noticed that her eyes are reflecting images from the ceiling. It looked like the whole Universe is in her eyes, and he was confident that his Universe is right there… in the eyes of his fiery Goddess.

Bri is aware that Quentin's attention didn't move from her and she is also aware of his proximity.

Last night she wanted to teach him a lesson, and she still does. But she can't deny that he is very handsome. He was a gentleman last night, and the efforts he made in order to sneak into their breakfast event and then to finish that salad just to be with her, and all the other little things he did in-between made her feel all warm and fuzzy.

Brianna reminded herself not to fall for Quentin. Even if he is not a player, he is from Seattle and she is from New York… it will never work out. But the more he acts sweet and caring toward her, the more her will is faltering. And the mutual attraction is so strong that it's almost visible.

Bri told herself that she came to Seattle to have fun, not to fall in love, and she needs to take control of the situation before it's too late!

"The show is up there…", she told Quentin in a low voice without removing her gaze from the comet which blazed through orbits of unknown planets in deep space.

"There is no point in looking up and missing the breathtaking view right next to me.", his husky voice responded and it was too overwhelming for her to hold back.

Quentin inhaled sharply when Bri flipped to the side over the armrest and straddled him. OK… Not really straddled him. Her knees and elbows were on his sides and their bodies are not touching, but she is above him. The way her hair draped around his face created a privacy screen which they don't need because they are already shrouded by the darkness. Seats around them are not occupied, and even if someone was there, it didn't matter. No one would see them considering that everyone is focused on the show and staring at the ceiling.

Quentin could not see what is going on but by the way her hair brushed on his cheeks, he knew that Bri is lowering herself, coming closer to him and for the first time in his life, he didn't dare to move around a girl. Quentin didn't know what Bri is up to, but he knows that he does not want her to change her mind and increase the distance between them. He will submit to her, to whatever she wants to do with him. And he will submit willingly because since his eyes landed on her the previous night in the Black Rose nightclub, he is hers. Completely.

"You earned yourself a re-do…", her breath splashed against his lips and his heart skipped a beat.

His mind exploded: 'did she just say a RE-DO…?'

Quentin felt Bri's chilling palm cupping his cheek and then her lips brushed against his. It was a light touch, but it reminded him of the amazing kiss from the previous night and he shivered in anticipation of what is coming next.

A second later, Quentin realized that Bri inched away and stopped moving.

'Oh! I need to kiss HER!', Quentin grasped what is going on.

His shaky hand creeped at the back of her neck, securing her head in the spot, and he lifted his torso higher, allowing for their lips to meet again.

Bri felt his lips nudge against hers softly at first, and then the pressure increased… Quentin got her lower lip between his, sucking gently while his tongue brushed over it, sending fluttering sensations to the rest of her body, making Bri aware of her every nerve ending.

'Damnit!', Bri cursed internally when she realized that instead of her taking control, he is seducing her with his kiss! Ah, that is what she gets when she dares to allow an experienced kisser near her lips. But she didn't pull back. The kiss was too good to pull back. Quentin tastes addictive and his scent is intoxicating and by the way he moves, Bri can tell that he is much more than a six. Definitely much more than a six.

She leaned lower, laced her fingers in his hair and parted her lips slightly to let him know that he can deepen the kiss whenever he wants to, because she is curious to find out what else he has to offer.


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