Getting to know each other (Liz and Max) (2)

Question number 4: "If you could do any job you wanted, what would that be?"

Liz grinned. Her answer is clear: neurosurgeon.

She glanced at Max and saw that he is not writing anything.

"Do you want to do something else?", she asked. "It seems that this game is more difficult than I thought it will be. I was wrong. We are not as close as I thought we are, if we can't answer these questions without struggles..."

"No! It's fine!", Max said quickly.

He does not want Liz to distance herself from him. Not now when they are by themselves, on a boat, playing a game which should be fun for both of them. He scolded himself, why is he thinking about Irene, or about his father? Instead of enjoying with Liz, he is creating this awkward atmosphere.

'Get yourself together, Max! Use this to your advantage!', he encouraged himself.

Instead of writing down his answer, he explained: "As of recently, I am thinking of going back to work. I want to give it my all and find out if I am good enough to carry the weight my father carries."

Liz was surprised that Max spoke so confidently about this. Few hours ago, during lunch, he was wishy-washy when Dr. Snow challenged him, and he even said that he is looking for a different path.

Well, it's obvious that Max still does not know what he wants because he is changing his opinion so drastically, Liz concluded.

In any case, the only thing she can do is be supportive. "If you give it your all, I'm confident that you will do great."

Max smiled and reached for the next card.

"Hey, what about my answer?", Liz protested.

Max laughed. "What about it? Your dream job is to be neurosurgeon."

Liz pouted playfully and gestured to him to flip the next card. She was happy that he knows her answer.

Question number 5: "If you can pick your superpower, what would that be?"

Both Max and Liz wrote their answers after few seconds.

Max showed his first: 'Mind reading'

Liz lifted her eyebrows in surprise. "Are you sure you want to know what people think when they are around you?"

Max shrugged. "I don't really care what people think. I am interested in the thoughts of one woman."

"A woman? Did you watch the movie 'What women want'? The guy can hear thoughts of females and it's not good."

"Yeah, but then he uses that to get close to the woman who is saying what is on her mind."

"Typical.", she mumbled.


"Nothing…" Liz didn't miss that Max is watching her intently, waiting for an explanation. She lowered her head and said: "I thought that you will pick something other than how to charm ladies."

Max saw that Liz's mood dropped and he scooted closer to her.

"Elizabeth…", his husky voice sounded behind her ear.

Liz turned toward him and was surprised that he is so… close.

Max reached with his hand toward Liz's cheek and she was sure that he is about to push a lock of her hair behind her ear. But he didn't.

His fingers grazed over her cheek and his touch still lingered when he spoke: "It's not about charming ladies. It's about understanding one woman who is one minute making sense and the next one taking me for a spin, and I am reluctant to make my intentions clear because I fear that I might make her run. All the way to New York."

"What do you mean?"

"Elizabeth, I…"

The alarm sounded from the kitchen.

Max exhaled. "Pizza is done. I will go get it…"

Liz watched Max walk away and only when he was out of sight she exhaled the breath she didn't know she was holding. Just… what was that?

Max returned a minute later with a steaming large peperoni pizza which he placed on the table. "Cheese pie is in the oven. We should let this one cool a bit before we dig in."

He looked at Liz and noticed that she is watching him intently and not moving. He was not sure if that is a good or a bad thing.

Max remembered what he told her before the alarm sounded and wondered if he should take the risk and tell her what is on his mind… but the mood is gone, and he needs to find a way to make Liz relax again.

"Next card?", Max asked while his hand hovered above the deck.

Liz snapped out of her daze and nodded vigorously. She needs a change of topic, a distraction, because at this rate her heart will jump out of her chest!

Question number 6: "What would you do if your house is infested with snakes?"

Liz burst into laugh at Max's outraged expression.

"This is a setup!", Max complained.

Liz remembered how he panicked at the riding club when she teased him that there might be snakes around, and she laughed harder.

Her laughter is contagious, so he ended up laughing with her. It took some time for Liz to stop laughing, but Max didn't mind. He was happy that she relaxed again.

Liz said that she will call the exterminator.

Max's answer was that he would move in with Liz. "I will let you handle the snakes."

The mood was up with each next question and both of them had fun answering them and providing clarifications.

Half a pizza and a dozen of questions later…

Question number 18: "If you could start your life again, what would you do differently?"

Liz thought for few seconds, but this was a no brainer. There is only one thing she regrets, and that is how she didn't spend more time with her mom when she had a chance.

Max thought about this question and the only thing that makes his stomach churn is: Irene. But, what would he do differently? He was the most dotting boyfriend there is, head over heels, indulging her every desire. But if he can have a chance to change something, what would that be? Would he pamper her more? Would he buy her more things? Would he kiss her more or…? Would he be able to do any of that, considering the knowledge that after everything he did she just left? Or would he go another route and avoid Irene from the beginning so that they don't end up together in the first place? Can he erase all those years when Irene was the most important person in his life? How would that look like? Without Irene and the heartbreak she caused, he would not end up womanizing, and… if he met Liz, how would their first meeting go? And what if the changes he makes impact his future in a way that he does not meet Elizabeth?

"Ready?", Liz asked.

They turned the whiteboards, and Liz's said: "Spend more time with mom" while Max's said: "Nothing."

"You would not change anything?", Liz was surprised.

She assumed that he has more than one problem in his life, like his parents pressuring him to change his lifestyle to the point of him faking a girlfriend. Is it possible that he is OK with that?

Max observed Liz's expression and smiled while confirming: "I would not change a thing."

"Really?" Liz didn't believe him.

Max explained: "Everything I did and what happened to me, pleasant or not, brought me to this moment in time: the two of us, on this boat and I would not exchange this with anything."

Liz looked at Max's deep blue eyes and she was lost in his intense gaze.

She smiled at the thought that he is a sweet talker. If she does not know better, she would think that he is flirting with her. But… what if he is flirting with her? Liz felt that her heart increased its pace, and the blood is rushing into her head.

"Sometimes you say things that… don't make sense.", Liz said.

"What does not make sense?"

Liz blinked. "This. You just implied that there is nothing you would rather do than be with me. And sometimes you do things that don't make sense also, like punching Dr. Snow because he made me unhappy."

"Why does that not make sense? Liz, it all makes sense if you open your mind to the fact that for me you are… special. I want to be with you, and I want you to be happy. I want to be with you when you are grumpy also, but I prefer you smiling."

"Is that related to having fun?"

Max thought for a second before answering. "Yes. You, happy, by my side, makes me happy. So yes, it's fun."

"Thank you.", Liz smiled goofily. She leaned close to him and kissed him on the cheek. "You are the first one to say that you are having fun with me."

Max was not sure how to respond to this, didn't she get his statement as a confession? Obviously not. But she is happy, and she even kissed him so… he will take it.

The alarm sounded from the kitchen. The cheese pie is done baking. What a timing...


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