Unexpected drama at FMC

Liz had four patients that morning.

In-between those four appointments, she worked on her research paper. She is very happy with the progress. At this rate, by the end of the week, she will be ready to submit it for a peer review, which is a necessary step before she sends it to the respectable publishing magazines.

Liz was all giddy. Max sent her four text messages. Mostly sweet nothings, asking her what she is doing, if she is having a good day and telling her that he looks forward to seeing her after work.

Even without being by her side, Max can make her happy. Liz made sure to respond promptly, and she hoped that her messages put a smile on his face as well.

Liz wanted to ask him how his day is going, but then realized that she should not be too nosey and interrupt his work. She will ask him in the evening. The thought of Max and her talking about simple things like their day over dinner made her feel all warm and fuzzy.