Back from work

~ Seattle, Elizabeth's apartment ~

5:26 PM

Elizabeth returned from work and sighed in relief when she closed the door behind her.

The afternoon was emotionally challenging, and she struggled to focus on her patients. Dr. Kaviraj's words that everyone thinks how she is in a relationship with Dr. Snow replayed in Liz's mind and more than once she was on the verge of going to Dr. Snow's office and demanding from him to clarify things. But she knows that is childish and it can backfire in so many ways.

As soon as she finished with patients, she left work and headed home.

Liz's phone buzzed, notifying her of a new message. She smiled, thinking that it's from Max.

[Mia] : "Let me know when you are back from work, I want to talk to you in private."

Liz responded right away: "I'm home."

Ten seconds later, Liz heard the door open and Mia got in.