The possibility of losing Elizabeth

Don't forget to add to your library my other novels: 'Is this Destiny?' and 'Amara - Reunion'


Max got into Elizabeth's apartment and found Mia and Hunter on the sofa in the living room.

"Hi.", he greeted them.

"We need to talk." Hunter gestured to Max to come and join them.

Max walked toward them and placed the bag with the hangover medicine on the table. Hunter texted him to get the medicine, but he didn't say for whom. Max observed that both Hunter and Mia look fine, so that means that the medicine is for…"Where is Liz?"

"In the bedroom, sleeping.", Mia responded.

Max double-checked the time on his wristwatch and frowned. Why is she sleeping now? And needs hangover medicine? "What is going on?"

"Sit… things happened…", Hunter started telling Max what Liz told them.