Dr. Williams has a boyfriend

Max and Liz were lost in the kiss and they didn't hear the knock on the door or notice the door opening.

"Oh!", a woman's cry reached them, and they broke the kiss.

Liz glanced toward the door and her whole face exploded in a fierce blush. No matter how high she flew during that kiss, the embarrassment pulled her back to Earth in a split second. She wished that she could disappear inside Max's jacket, but she can't hide. This is her office. She told herself to play it cool.

Max smiled at the sight of a friendly woman in her early forties looking at them like she caught kids in a mischief. The woman's expression reminded him of how Foxy looks at him and he could immediately see that the woman is doting on Liz.

Rhonda tried to suppress her teasing grin (unsuccessfully). "I knocked. No one answered so I assumed that the office is empty. Pardon my intrusion."