Luau - Hunter's birthday (2)

Max was half-turned toward Liz and she was unable to see McKenzie, but Liz guessed that the woman behind Max's back is fuming. It is unpleasant to be ignored by the person next to you even if that is a stranger, and Max is her crush of many years.

What Liz didn't know is that McKenzie is way beyond fuming.

To explain McKenzie's state of mind, we need to travel to earlier that morning…

After the jump from the cliff, McKenzie went with Oliver and Lewis to snorkel in the lagoon in hope to distract herself. But it didn't work because the water was not clear enough and the corals were not beautiful enough and the fish were not colorful enough, and nothing was right! And McKenzie knows that is only because all of her senses were muddled with jealousy and hate she feels toward Elizabeth.

McKenzie managed to swallow few bites of her lunch before going to her room.