Plan to expose McKenzie

When Mia ended voicing her observations, they all agreed that McKenzie was the one with a motive and opportunity.

"Now what?", Hunter asked. "Everything we know points out toward the possibility that Zi pushed Liz, but we have no proof."

Mia agreed with Hunter. "We can't go and ask her. If she didn't do it, it will be a slander, and if she did it, we are going to alert her."

Max looked at Liz with a troubled expression. "I am sorry."

"What are you sorry about?"

"All this happened because of me.", Max answered.

Liz sighed. Why is he apologizing when he is the one who got hurt? "You don't know that. We are only guessing."

"Come on.", Mia rolled her eyes at Liz. How can she be so easygoing? "No one else had a reason to hurt you. And we all saw her glare daggers at you the whole weekend."

Liz knows that Mia is right. Everyone saw that McKenzie is displeased with Liz's presence.