Back to Seattle from Hawaii

~ Seattle, Max's apartment ~


8:12 AM

Liz is in the bed next to Max (aka her bolster pillow).

They finally got to sleep in Seattle after two full days (and nights) in the hospital in Hawaii.

As soon as he left Max's room after their little chat, in a matter of minutes, Chairman Jarvik made sure that everyone in the hospital knows who is staying in that VIP room and Max and Liz had a wonderful experience: the staff was super-friendly and cooperative, the food was amazing, there are no complaints. Bonus was the bed which is big enough for both of them to sleep on it comfortably side by side (Liz was clinging onto Max, as usually).

The chief surgeon stopped by Max's room twice, once for Liz's autograph, and the second time to discuss current surgery techniques. Liz didn't reject him; Max was busy on his laptop and she had a lot of free time anyway. That man is her first official fan, and she can't neglect him.